Chapter 19

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Blink. Blink.

Only the blue system window shined in the empty black space. I finally came to my senses and reached for the system window with a sigh.

[ (*Д>゜]

Hey, hey. Don’t cry. You’ve already seen me die once, this is just whatever.

To be honest, I thought since I died once, this would be child’s play, but it’s not easy to die twice. When I felt the pressure of the falling chandelier, I thought I’d rather bite my tongue and faint. In the end it seems like I really fainted.

I opened my mouth to ask the system, slowly touching the blue window.

“I’m still unconscious right?”

[ Shall I turn off “Summon”? ≧ ﹏ ≦ ]

“No, don’t release the skill now, just restore my consciousness for a bit.”

If you lift it now and we’re still at the banquet, or if there’s people around me, it’s gonna be a problem.

Above all, Kyle already thinks I’m suspicious, if I disappear in front of him again, who knows what will happen. It’s going to be hard to make excuses.

[ Restoring consciousness! ]

[ 10… ]

[ 9… ]

[ … ]

Why are you counting down?

I stared blankly at the system window slowly filling up with numbers.

‘H-hey, don’t tell me?’

[ 1… ]

The system window and black space disappeared in an instant and I was filled with pain once again. I gasped as if I had just been pulled out of water. I bit my lip, in order to swallow the scream that was rising out from my throat.


This is crazy. How is someone supposed to survive this. It hurts so much. I frantically curled my trembling body. My vision was blurry, and my back felt hot after being scraped by the chandelier.

I tightened my grip on my collar and looked around. First of all, it seems like I was all alone, and the location seemed to be the study! Maybe Kyle brought me here, anyways it’s a relief…

“Hey! System! Release now! Release the skill! Please.”

I cried out in a desperate voice. When I first died, it was so sudden and quick and I didn’t feel any pain, but this time was no joke. There was a reason the system was counting down; it was time to get ready for the pain.

White flashed around my body once more, like the chandelier’s light earlier, and then when I opened my eyes, I was back in the hamster house.

― Squeak! [ Ack! ]

My body started slipping and rolled down the slide.

System, can you please position me properly next time?

[ (;′⌒') ]

That’s right, you must be anxious too.

I sighed deeply and lay on the sawdust. My body and mind kept tingling. Well, the incident was prevented somehow. It all worked out in the end. But did my small body really block that big chandelier? That’s ridiculous.

I only survived because that was a body I “Summoned.” Maybe I made that decision because I knew I wasn’t sacrificing my real body. Though it’s true that my body moved before I could think.

The Northern Grand Duke's Hamster|북 부대공의 햄스터 (English Translation/Unofficial)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя