Chapter Sixteen

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I fold the last pair of jeans and place them inside my suitcase. After spending last night looking up hotels and planning my three-day trip, all I am missing is a few files from the basement about Millis's family.

I can pass by The Pentagon and pick them up. It won't take me long. I put on a wool coat and head to my car. Once my suitcase is in the trunk, I drive off.

The roads are fully cleared now, and the cold isn't as violent. Because of that, I thought heels would be a good idea today too. I have my sneakers for backup, but I want to get used to heels.

I have got to practice my victory walk beforehand, right? I pull into The Pentagon and park beside a black Lamborghini. Seriously, this is so unfair. Working forever in DHS won't get me half this vehicle.

I get out of my car and side-eye the black Lamborghini till I am inside the building. Bet it belongs to someone from the fifth floor. The elevator takes me to the basement level and I walk through the left door.

This time, I head straight to the scrawny lady. "I am back." she doesn't even look up from her papers as she replies, "Excellent." The amount of sarcasm in her voice should injure me for life.

Thankfully, I downloaded Greyson ass ledger as beginner impunity software. No one can offend me now. "I am not staying for long. How do I find the files I want?"

She huffs and stands up, fixing her pencil skirt while passing me. I follow her loud footsteps towards a few bookshelves. "Who are you looking for?"

"The Senator's family." She probably knows which senator I am talking about. She huffs again, as if I had dragged her from her exciting wooden desk and marvelous typewriter.

Hopefully, I will never age this viciously. She leads us to another bookshelf further down the full pentagon-looking basement. "How do you know where everything is? I don't see labels here."

"There is a reason why they let me decorate this place." She must be an extraordinary type of intelligent if the government lets her have her way in exchange for her service. Once we arrive at the bookshelf, she opens a drawer and takes out a ring binder.

Then she hands me the entire thing. "Wha- all of it?" She looks at me and then at the folder. Then she takes out another one and gives it to me.

"Are all these really necessary?" I sound like a middle schooler begging the teacher for less homework. "All or none." Ugh, this woman is invincible.

We continue down a few more bookshelves and a few more ring binders. After a few more complaints and a lot of huffs and puffs later, I finally exited the basement level.

I walk down the few steps that lead outside like I am stepping on hot lava. I can't see under my feet, and I am in heels. I should have gotten my usual shoes. To hell with all your intimidation, Ledger. I can face off the entire world barefoot.

I finally made it to where I parked my Nissan and clicked on the button in my key to unlock it from a distance. I approach the side where the Lamborghini faces my car. Little did I know, the Lamborghini of the human race was waiting for me.

"Detective?" I take a deep breath. "Ledger." I can't see him, but his voice tells me he is somewhere near the car door I am currently trying to open with my pinky. "Need help?"

"Can you open this door?" I step back to give him space and watch as his elegant self pulls the backseat door open. It is a shame how some humans don't deserve to lurk on this planet and yet have the features of angels and devils combined.

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