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April 1, 1999


Oh, the things life can throw at you. Things feel as if they're going smoothly. We've gained a new employee recently. A charismic' ball of energy that never seems to die out. Sarcasm mixed in with a soiled mouth made them an interesting character. And their odd comedic timing is what made awkward situations with them more .. interesting? Interesting I suppose. Johnathan Schlatt was his name. And something I never seem to forget. I've known him for a while due to us being neighbors and with him occasionally taking care of my daughter, Lilly, when we're away. We've both been livin' on the same street ever since nineteen-ninety-eight. So, it was a bit surprising that he decided to apply to the same job I had. At least it makes working a bit more decent with the conversations that he seems to weave himself into.

Though, I had few interactions with him during the workdays due to scheduling and things needed to be done in those parts. Those interactions were fruitful but lacking. Not ripe enough for the picking. Neither tender enough to bite and chew at. Rather nugatory, now that I think of it. Either way, days like these have been lacking a shine to what makes living worth working for–or at least what I thought while walking on the sidewalk beside him; with us carrying a few bags containing groceries. His heart felt full that day when he offered to help me with groceries. My judgment had already been fogged up enough from work. So, this small ray of sunshine shouldn't hurt much in my eyes, supposedly. Continuing our walk with the comforting silence between us and semi-clouded skies. Shielding whatever aspect there was of a sun in its cotton texture. Brows furrowed in usual thought as my sights laid low to the pavement.

"What's with the gloomy mood?" He remarked, suddenly. 

Causing me to perk up a response and settle my sights in front of me. 

"Nothin' much. Jus' tired." A snicker came from him. 

"No shit. Lookin' like someone pissed on your happy meal for that face to form." 

I fell silent. "Pissed on my–what?" I said in a confused tone. My confusion furthered his snickering into small laughter. "What do you mean by that?" 

The laughter and snickers continue to fall loose like poorly done stitching on a toy. The more it was used, the looser it became. This was no different with me asking questions about what he meant in that remark and only gaining laughter afterwards. Even by the hells they probably don't know shit about what he remarked on or what it even meant. But the more I thought about it. The more I found the more interesting .. comedic factor in it. Is it even comedic? God, comedy has downgraded from the last I've heard of it. As I caught my thoughts once more, he had recovered from his small joyous fit. 

"Either way, how have you been? Been a while ever since we last spoke." I said. 

"Been doin' jus' fine. Didn't think you'd suffer this much for a paycheck." He chuckled. 

"Welcome to my life." I'd joke. Leaving us chuckling afterwards. Allowing the still silence to return as we continued to walk down the street. After taking a small turn around the corner I spoke up once more. 

"How's work been treatin' you?"

"Bit of a fuckin' pain to go through. At least I get a paycheck out of it." He said. 

"Heh, same here." I said. Left in thought–he asked,

 "How's Lilly?" 

"She's been doin' well. She's goin' to be twelve tomorrow." I said. 

"Aw, that's nice. What are you guys plannin' that day?" 

"Nothin' much. Probably a small get-together for her and headin' somewhere for dinner." 

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