Chapter 2

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A/N: your outfit above)

It has been a few weeks since [Y/N] had arrived at Hogwarts and been sorted into Slytherin. She got along with mostly everyone who went up and talked to her. She'd excelled in all of her classes, especially in Charms and Flying class, considering she did have a dragon back home flying on a broom would be easy as hell.

Although, there was one person that she didn't get along with, which so happens to be one of her dormates; Ivy Darkwater, the daughter of another Pureblood family that's got quite the history with the Dragon family. The two families had a rift so old I'm sure even Dumbledore could remember it from his youth. All it took was a member of the Darkwater family, to course an accident which resulted in the death of a member of the Dragon family, then a rift was made.

The twist to this tale, though, was that those two people were lover's; Nix Dragon and Lindo Darkwater.

[Y/N] was walking down the hallways of the castle with a few too many books in her arms as she made her way to the library to return them after catching up with a few things that she missed last year which the teachers advised her to learn although she knew all the basics it didn't hurt to know everything needed, she didn't notice a Quiddick ball come her way as she passed the courtyard until the last second which resulted in her using the a book as a shield but doing so made the rest clatter to the floor, once she heard the ball hit the floor she moved the book to see a ginger smack the head of his twin as he told him off.

With a sigh [Y/N] crouched down and started picking up the books she dropped, then stood up, but she missed one which soon came into view of her eye sight before she looked up to meet the most gorgeous brown eye's she had ever met. It wasn't until she took the book back then looked around that almost all the students were stared at them and had moved away quite a bit but it wasn't until she felt hands on her shoulders pull her away from the boy did she realise who he was, she looked up at Theodore as he stared down the boy then back to the boy as he spoke to him.

Theodore)"What do you want, Riddle? I assure you that [Y/N] is no threat, nor do you need to talk to her either."

Matttheo)"Hmm, is that so Nott? Well, if it was intended to not get my interest on this girl, then mark this as a fail. Because my interest is now spiked, see you around m'lady. "

Mattheo winked at her before walking by them, leaving Theodore annoyed, and [Y/N] slightly flushed, but she quickly recovered and then went on her way to the library. From then on, Theodore stuck by her side, not wanting to risk leaving her alone in case Riddle decided to take the chance to talk to her; although she didn't mind if Mattheo decided to talk to her as she found him interesting, being the son of a powerful wizard like he-who-shall-not-be-named was a fascinating thing to her.

It was now after dinner, and she had managed to lose her tail, aka Theodore; so she was relaxing by walking around the castle a bit before going to the prefect bathroom, along her walk she spotted Mattheo leaning against the wall out in the court yard smoking so she decided to go over and apologise for Theodore's behaviour.

"Hey, Riddle, right? I'm sorry about Theodore. He's always been like that."

Mattheo)"What? An overprotective ass?"

A laugh slipped from her lips at his remark as it was true, and she couldn't deny it because it was true. Once Theodore gets overprotective, he doesn't notice his attitude to whoever he's talking to, it was entertaining at most, but sometimes it is only making things worse. Leaning on the pillar next to her with her shoulder, she smirked to herself as she reached, then took the blunt from his lips before putting it between hers and taking a big drag; a smirk slipped onto Mattheo's lips seeing this girl which came off as innocent do something so reckless when others aren't watching, it only made him his interested in her more.

Mattheo)"Well, milady, you've only increased my interest in you more. What's a girl like you smoking for?"

"Well, Riddle, a dragon breathes smoke and fire. Not one or the other, both. I have many things that not even Nott knows about me, trust me, I'm more than what I seem"

He watched her breath out the smoke, and it was like watching a dragon smoulder after breathing fire, truly breathtaking and beautiful. [Y/N]'s eyes drifted to the night sky as she handed him his blunt back, which he took without once letting his eyes leave her figure inspecting it for any tell that she was the slightest bit scared of him as he was the son of the Dark Lord after all but ne didn't find a single trace, she was so calm as she admired the stars without a care in the world not even caring if he was dangerous and could easily kill her within a second.

Mattheo)"You are a unique girl, aren't you? Do you even care who I am? Or that my father is the Dark Lord? Are you really not fazed by it?"

"Of course I know exactly who you are and who your father is, I simply don't give a fuck. I believe that everyone isn't their parents until proven guilty unless you're a Drinkwater, then they're rotten to the core"

Glancing over to the boy next to her, she had a soft smile on her face, and her eyes were slightly glazed over from the blunt she had smoked but it didn't make a difference to him as he had made a decision in that moment to protect her from his father no matter what; she didn't deserve whatever he was planning in the future. A clock chimed, signalling that it was 5 minutes before curfew, so she waved him bye and then left for the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was feeling a little bit lighter than usual; it was the beginning of a magical friendship she was sure.

Slytherin's Dragon - Theodore Knott X Reader X Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now