Chapter 1

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[Y/N] Dragon-[L/N], true to her name, has the ability to tame the beast's. However, that was only one of the Dragon-[L/N] family's most respected and feared traits, although [Y/N]'s only a half-blood as her mother was a muggle and her father was from a wizarding family it was a 50/50 chance she got accepted into Hogwarts. Her older sister and brother, the twins, made it into Hogwarts; where as it filled her with dread once it passed her 11th birthday, and nothing came.

Then her 12th birthday and still nothing, so she stayed in normal muggle school, seemingly dismissing that she didn't have the magic gene without a care. It was a massive shock as it was only half a chance she would get accepted into the school, but she was happy for her older brother and sister as she waved them off for their 3rd year at the magic school.

That was until a month later.

[Y/N] was in her room doing some science homework when a tap was heard from her window, so she looked over her shoulder and saw her brother's Owl, Willow; at her window holding an envelope in her beek. Confused, she walked over to the window, opened it then took the letter from her and gave her a treat before she flew off back to Hogwarts; shutting her window [Y/N] went back to her desk then flipped the letter over to see the Hogwarts emblem on the back pressed into the red wax which sealed the envelope shut.

Gently opening the envelope, then taking out the letter instead expecting it to be from her brother or sister, but instead, it was from Hogwarts Headmaster instead. In shock, she stared at it before quickly reading the 2 page letter in 10 minutes. In summary, it explains that her letter got lost last year somehow and they'd like for her to attend this year although it was already a month into the term and she missed the intere first year at the school, she would still be placed in her rightful 2nd year as if she went last year.

Hearing the front door shutting behind whoever had come in she raced out of her room onto the landing which overlooked the entrance of the house only to see her father back from taking the family dog, Brandy, for a walk; a big grin slipped onto her face seemingly ready to explode from excitement.

"I got in! Dad! Dad! Hogwarts sent me a letter!!"

Sliding down the bannister of the stairs and then landing with a thud waving her letter all over the place before her father managed to grab the pieces of paper from his daughters hand before then reading through it, his expression morphed from confused to excitement at the news that all of his kids was going to experience what he had at school.

Then it dawned on him that she didn't attend the first year, which would make it difficult for her to catch up with along side her normal classes of this year, then he remembered that she already knew the basics of what they were taught in 1st year thanks for his over preparation about the wizarding world.

Dad)"Oh darling, this is great, no amazing news! Oh! I'm so proud of you! How about we go and get all your things, then we'll celebrate once your mother gets home? "

"Yes! I'll be right back!"

Racing up the stairs, she changed into something more appropriate and then slipped on some shoes. After about 2 hours of getting everything required, they went back home buzzing with excitement as they talked about magic and [Y/N]'s father telling her all about his adventures while in Hogwarts.

A week later, it was finally the day of [Y/N]'s departure to Hogwarts. In the letter, it said that Hagrid was coming to get her or she could find alternative transport which tempted her to fly to Hogwarts with Stella, which was her dragon; however, her parents disagreed with that idea and told her that Hagrid will do. Saying her last goodbyes then they were off to Hogwarts.

It was only a few hours until they made it just in time for dinner, where she'll be sorted into a house. She wondered which house she'll be placed in and if it was the same one with her brother and sister, although that would probably wouldn't end well as it was only so much the siblings could take of each other before arguing.

Hagrid took her to the doors of the Great Hall as he reassured her that she'll be fine then left to go around the back way so he could sit at the staff table up front, leaving her alone and with her thoughts although it was only 5 minutes before the door's opened on there own and she walked down the middle to the front taking note of all the people staring at her.

Dumbledore)"- Now welcome our newest student, [Y/N] Dragon-[L/N]!"

Dumbledore introduced her with a loud voice as she walked. She managed to spot her brother and sister sitting with their friends at the Gryffindor table, which was completely gobsmacked and surprised that she was there. Once she made it to the front, where Headmaster Dumbledore stood with a smile on his face once his eyes met herself and [Y/N] couldn't help but smile back excited for her adventure at the school, taking a seat on the stool then the hat being placed on her head made her slightly nervous.

Sorting hat)"Hmm, what do we have here? Another Dragon tamer, huh. You've got a Dragons bravery and fire in your heart. You care for others and will willingly put your life on the line for them if needed, although you're also mischievous and sly when needed .... there's only one house for you! SLYTHERIN!!"

The Slytherin table cheered and roared to life in excitement at having a member of the Dragon tamer family in their house. A big smile slipped onto [Y/N]'s face as she stood up and walked over to the table, looking for somewhere to sit until a brunette haired boy waved her over then pushed the boy next to him over making room for her to sit down, once sat down the feast was already in full swing and looking over it was then she managed to get a good look at who it was that waved her over.

"Theo? Omg! It's been years since we last saw each other!"

Theodore)"Yh, it has. I'm surprised the teachers made such a mistake with your letter last year, although knowing your dad, he's probably already taught you all that stuff we would have learned in 1st year"

"Yep! Dad's a major magic nerd."

Her comment made both of them laugh. They carried on talking throughout dinner and all evening, Theodore even introduced her to his friends, and from that moment onwards, they all knew they'll be friends throughout their time there at Hogwarts.

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