(Very Late) Christmas Special [not a replacement for part 10]

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The city air smelt like hot chocolate and roasted chestnuts

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The city air smelt like hot chocolate and roasted chestnuts. The town's street lamps were decorated with yellow christmas lights and green wreaths. Children squished their faces against the cold windows of toy stores, gazing at what they want on their Christmas lists. Candies filled with marshmallows and peppermint advertised at the local grocery store. Yuri and I strolled through the town hand-in-hand, looking for gifts for the Forger family.

"Do you have any idea what they'd want for Christmas?" I questioned, looking into store windows for anything that caught my eye.

"I'm not sure. Yor said that she was fine with anything." Yuri spoke, just as lost as me.

"Well what about Loid and Anya?" I asked, turning my head to look at Yuri.

"Do we have to buy them gifts?" Yuri grimaced.

"They're family." I huffed. "Don't be mean. And don't even think about going to the Christmas party with an attitude to Loid. I'll whack you." I threatened.

"I don't even know what we'd give Loid. He's so... reserved?" Yuri spoke. "He doesn't talk much about himself other than work."

"I see what you mean." I hummed. "So work is obviously an important thing in his life."

"His main priority should be caring for Yor..." Yuri huffed.

"We can talk about this later. The shops will close early because it's Christmas Eve, so we have no time to be complaining about stuff like that." I pointed out. "Loid values work, we could get him something for work. Like, maybe a new journal to write notes? He is a psychiatrist after all." I suggested.

At least his public cover is. I thought to myself.

I tried to think more deeply on what Twilight likes without accidentally revealing to Yuri that I know him more than just his sister's husband. Of course I know things about him that Yuri and Yor won't, I did basically grow up with him almost my entire life, so I consider him like a brother and my best friend. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I basically knew nothing of Twilight's interests or hobbies. He's always been so work-oriented compared to my laid-back nature.

My realization led me to questioning everything I knew about Twilight. Is the personality I've associated with him almost my whole life a cover personality? Am I such a bad sister and best friend that I don't even know his favorite damn color? What he likes to do in his free time?

While I had an internal existential crisis, Yuri dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, there's a bookstore over there. We can go find Loid's journal there?" Yuri suggested, pointing his finger at a small bookstore.

"Yeah, okay." I nodded, dragging Yuri into the store with me. "Along with a journal, we can get Loid a book too. I'm just unsure of what types of books he'd enjoy."

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