Chapter 7: Tides

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Ahem, listen I am really sorry. Really sorry. I had writer's block among other things, I was ill for a week and work drained the hell out of me but that is no excuse. II will try to update more frequently now, I mean I'll try. Mind you, this won't be a long story, I always intended to wrap things up around 10/11. I HOPE this long chapter will make up things, I started writing it weeks ago, then stopped and now have finally finished. I will admit that I do find it a bit difficult to know what happens next if that makes sense. if you excuse me I'll go clean my house now because I ignored it, and this took 7 hours. Spoiler: Penelope is still a bit unsure as what to do, please excuse her.

Thank you for commenting btw, makes me happy and as always sorry for shitty grammar and stuff.


None other than Anthony Bridgerton and he did not look entirely happy to put it mildly. What Penelope could not have known was that the Bridgerton's did intend to attend the ball, but they were only slightly late. In fact, there was joyous news, Lord Lumley had come to ask for Edwina's hand in marriage and that occasion had to be celebrated.

"Anthony, I mean Viscount..," Penelope croaked, still in shock.

"Penelope" replied Anthony measuredly before he continued, "I think it would be wise for you to leave as soon as possible. Your mother could not find you and I offered to look for you. I had figured you might have gotten lost, but this is.. certainly not what I was expecting."

Penelope was going to faint from embarrassment, right there on the spot if she continued to stay here any longer.

"Should you get lost... take the left corridor and follow the music back to the ballroom Anthony continued.

Without saying a word and not even daring to look up at either gentleman, Penelope ran away, leaving the aforementioned gentlemen alone.

Robert prepared for what he assumed would be a spirited conversation.

"What are you doing, Robert?", Anthony asked with gritted teeth.

Robert stared at him in confusion although he very well gathered what Anthony was referring to.

"I am not following," he lied.

Anthony took a few steps forward to Robert.

"Oh, I am certain that you do follow. Penelope Featherington? She isn't akin to of your usual conquests.."

"What is wrong with Penelope Featherington?", Fife asked defensively.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing but she is not the same as one of the... ladies you choose to affiliate yourself with".

He knew very well what Anthony meant by the emphasis on 'ladies', inwardly he began to be moderately annoyed by the arrogance of the man in front of him.

" Are you pretending, Viscount, that you were known for your affiliations? I seem to recall you having an affinity for going to the opera, or not?," Robert reminded.

And now it was Anthony's turn to get angry as the Bridgerton's shifted in annoyance and his mouth settled into a thin line.

"Those.. affiliations belong to my past and I don't appreciate you calling me on it, Fife," he said.

"Well, I don't appreciate you pretending to be holier than me because, quite frankly you are not ".

Anthony was going to make a scathing remark in return but decided that this would only make things worse so instead he took a deep breath and decided to change tactics.

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