Power Problems pt 1

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~ Te Amo ~

Phantom sat with Captain Man and the rest of Danger Force in a seafood restaurant, Big Beards. As they were eating their lunch, the owner of the place came over to them and stood by their booth, behind the chair Captain Man brought over. "Ay! Your appetites be as big as me beard!" Big Beard exclaimed shocked and Captain Man nodded. "Shiver me timbers. This is some good food, Big Beard."

"I'm so full, I couldn't eat another bite." Volt said as she just stared down at her food as the rest of the group continued eating. "That's a shame. My daughter Lilith is on her way with our famous shrimps on a sword." Big Beard said and everyone's head, including Volts shot up.

"Oh, you didn't let me finish. I couldn't eat another bite unless it's served on a sword." Volt said as she motioned to the food on her plate and Big Beard smiled before he walked away.

His daughter then came out with a cart that had a few swords on it. "Order up for Danger Force!" She smiled brightly and the group cheered.

Lilith picked up a sword and turned to AWOL. "AWOL, you-" she started but Captain Man shook his head. "Nope. Me first, I'm more important." He said as he took the sword from Lilith.

Lilith looked at him confused but shrugged it off and picked up another sword. "AWOL, you can teleport these shrimp to your belly." She smiled and handed the sword to AWOL who shrugged. "That's not how I consume food, but thank you."

Lilith then picked up another two swords and turned to Volt. "Volt, I think you'll find these shockingly tasty." She smiled and Volt nodded. "Word play, fun." She said sarcastically before she stared eating the shrimp.

Lilith then smiled to ShoutOut and handed her the other sword. "ShoutOut, one bite and you'll scream with delight." She smiled and ShoutOut also smiled. "Word play, fun!" She said, more happily than Volt.

Lilith then picked up the last two swords and her smile fell slightly when she turned to Phantom who sat in between ShoutOut and Brainstorm. "Phantom, here you go." Lilith smiled softly and handed the girl the sword.

Phantom nodded in thanks and turned to ShoutOut. "Why didn't I get word play?" She asked and ShoutOut shrugged. "I don't know, maybe she didn't know what to say." She suggested and Phantom sighed.

"And last but not least... Brainstorm." Lilith said as she handed Brainstorm the sword before she sat in his lap. "The boy who storms my brain, daily."

Phantom glared Lilith and Volt couldn't help but also glare at her. No one tries to steal her best friends boyfriend. Captain Man saw Phantom glaring at the girl and gave her a look that said 'don't do anything'.

"So, are you officially official with anyone online?" Lilith asked Brainstorm who nodded, as he remembered when him and Eliza decided to put 'in a relationship' on their Brainstorm and Phantom Twitflash profile. "Yeah, and I'm officially thirsty." He said and Lilith nodded.

"Then I'll get you a draft water." She said as she stood up and booped his nose.

Phantoms glare stayed on her until she walked into the kitchen. Once Lilith was fully in the kitchen, Phantom moved herself so she was sitting on her boyfriends lap instead. Brainstorm looked at her confused and she shrugged and smiled as she ate her shrimp.

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