Yoongi's surprise part 3

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So Seokjin finds a bench to sit at as the members go on the car ride " do you want to go on the ride Seokjin" Namjoon asked " Yoongi won't be happy if he doesn't see me next to him" Seokjin said even though Seokjin does want to go on the ride " I can take care of him you have been busy taking care of him today you need a break even if it a short one go on the ride" Namjoon said to his husband so Seokjin gives Yoongi a kiss on the cheek and gives Namjoon a kiss too then he goes join the members to go on the car ride not long after Seokjin left Yoongi woke up and he looks for Seokjin " Appa" Yoongi said while looking for Seokjin but the only person he sees is Namjoon " Appa isn't here sweetie he is on a ride right now" Namjoon said and Yoongi starts crying Namjoon sees a snack cart so Namjoon takes Yoongi to get a churro " Yoongi you want a churro" Namjoon asked but Yoongi just keeps crying once Namjoon gets a churro he pushes the stroller back to the bench " Yoongi look what daddy has" Namjoon said and Yoongi looks at Namjoon to see what he has and Yoongi tries to grab it Namjoon breaks the churro in half  he doesn't want Yoongi to have a whole one so they snack on the churro once Namjoon finished his churro Yoongi is still eating his churro when Seokjin comes back with the members " Yoongi Appa's back" Namjoon said as he saw Seokjin getting closer so he takes Yoongi out of the stroller and shows him where Seokjin is when Yoongi sees Seokjin Namjoon puts Yoongi down and he runs over to Seokjin " Appa" Yoongi said when he ran over Seokjin bends to Yoongi's level and picks him up " where did you get the churro baby" Seokjin asked " daddy" Yoongi said " how was the ride" Namjoon asked when they got to where he was " it was fun but how was this little one" Seokjin said as he put Yoongi back in the stroller and buckled him in " he missed you but we got a churro to share" Namjoon said " that's good" Seokjin said " where to now" Jungkook asked " how about to the dumbo ride" Namjoon said " good idea" Taehyung said so they start walking to the dumbo ride once they get there Seokjin gets Yoongi out of the stroller and Jimin parks the stroller then they get in line " Appa" yoongi said as he had his arms out to Seokjin wanting Seokjin to hold him " Appa can't hold you all the time baby" Seokjin said Seokjin was watching to see how Yoongi would react because Seokjin wants Yoongi to get used to not being with Seokjin all the time but Yoongi isn't happy he starts crying while trying to get Seokjin to pick him up " come here" Namjoon said as he picked up Yoongi Namjoon knows what Seokjin is doing because they want Yoongi to come to Namjoon for anything too Namjoon rocks his body side to side trying to calm Yoongi down " Appa" Yoongi cried " shh daddy's here" Namjoon said but Namjoon thinks that Yoongi is still to little to understand that it's ok to not be with Seokjin all the time " I think Yoongi's still to little to understand Seokjin" Namjoon said to his husband " I think that your right" Seokjin said as he say Yoongi trying to garb Seokjin " Appa" Yoongi said " come here" Seokjin said as he took Yoongi from Namjoon when they get to front they go to get on a elephant the chairs are shaped as dumbo the elephant " which one do you want Yoongi" Seokjin asked Yoongi and Yoongi sees a blue one " that one" Yoongi said so Seokjin puts Yoongi inside of the elephant first then Seokjin gets in and he sits down " Appa" Yoongi is nervous " it's ok sweetie" Seokjin said as he puts the seatbelt on them and buckles them in then the ride lifts in the air Seokjin looks at Yoongi to see if he likes it " where dada" Yoongi said looking for Namjoon " he's in front of us" Seokjin said soon the ride is done they unbuckle and get off the ride Seokjin holds Yoongi's hand as they leave the ride " see there's daddy" Seokjin said as he walked closer to Namjoon and Namjoon turns around when he heard his husband " dada" Yoongi said when he saw Namjoon " hey baby" Namjoon said as he took Yoongi from Seokjin and Seokjin goes to get the stroller " where do you guys want to go on now" Namjoon asked as he put Yoongi down but when the adults are busy talking Yoongi sees Winnie the Pooh taking pictures with people and when Yoongi looks at his Daddy and Appa he sees that they are trying figure out if they should get a early dinner or do more rides first so Yoongi walks away but he doesn't get far before he is picked up into someone's arms " Yoongi you can't sneak off" Seokjin said as he carried Yoongi back to the others but Yoongi starts squirming in Seokjin's hold " Appa down" Yoongi said but Seokjin doesn't put him down " what's wrong sweetie" Seokjin asked Yoongi " Pooh bear" Yoongi said Seokjin looks to where Yoongi is pointing to and he sees Winnie the Pooh taking pictures " you want to meet him" Seokjin said to Yoongi " yes" Yoongi said the others come over to Seokjin when they saw that he stopped walking " what's wrong Seokjin" Jimin asked " Yoongi wants to meet Pooh" Seokjin explained so they walk over to Winnie the Pooh and Seokjin gets in line with Yoongi when it was Yoongi's turn Seokjin carries Yoongi over to Pooh bear and Winnie the Pooh notice that Yoongi's jacket is a Winnie the Pooh Jacket on and Pooh is excited to see himself on the Jacket Seokjin puts Yoongi down and Pooh gives him a hug " you're his favorite character" Seokjin told Pooh bear and Pooh was even more happy when Seokjin told him that " let's take a picture sweetie" Seokjin said to Yoongi as he turned Yoongi to face Namjoon who was taking their pictures once the picture is taking Seokjin looks at his phone to see what time it is and sees that it's 4:30pm so he thinks they should start finding a place for dinner " come on baby to leave Pooh" Seokjin said but Yoongi doesn't want to leave Pooh bear so Seokjin picks him up and carries him away but Yoongi starts a tantrum " Yoongi calm down" Seokjin said as he buckled Yoongi in to the stroller and then they look for a restaurant to eat at Seokjin looks to see if Yoongi is asleep because he doesn't hear anything and Yoongi is asleep " look for a place that has outside sitting so Yoongi can stay in the stroller he's asleep" Seokjin said to the members and his husband so they start looking for a restaurant with outside sitting

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