Group chat..?

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I close my diary and stuff it under my mattress. Sure, not the best place to hide it. But it'll do. I hear my phone chime and check it, I didn't expect anyone to text me. No one really texts me often anyway.

Unknown number
Yo, this y/n?

Yeah, who is this??

Unknown number
Dw about it kitten

K- Kitten?!

Kiran ;P
Ew wtf Josh, don't be weird.
Y/n this is Josh, he's one of my friends from 7th period. He's chill

Oh! Ok then

Josh (??)
I'm not being weird, I'm just joking
I'm so funny, u just don't get my humor

Kiran ;P
You're so being weird.
Also stop adding commas if you're not going to complete the sentence with a period. It's not that hard. AND TYPE OUT 'YOU' FULLY YOU SWINE.

Josh (??)
KYS (/j)

Kiran ;P
NO YOU (/hj)

Josh (??)

I'm just.. gonna go.

Kiran ;P
Okay, byeeeeee.

I wasn't expecting Kira to make a group chat, she wasn't typically a talkative person so it didn't make sense. She must really want me and Josh to be friends or something so we can be a friend group. That sounds fun, I guess I don't mind much.


Josh (??)
Yo any1 up?

I'm up

Josh (??)
So who r u irl
Like do u know Kiran in person

Jeez this guy was a dry texter.. AND WHY IS HE UP AT 2AM?? I can't be talking though, I'm up too.

I'm y/n, I kinda thought you already knew me since you asked me my name lol.
Yeah ik Kira irl

Josh (??)
Nah. Kiran told me ur name but idk who u r

So you're Josh? I don't really know who you are either.

Kiran ;P

And with that I shut my phone off, turning on my side and trying to sleep. I couldn't though. Every time I closed my eyes.. I pictured the guy who stood up for me. His void black hair, his deep brown orbs, his olive toned skin, his freckled face, his tall form, everything about him. I didn't even know this guy. But I couldn't stop thinking about him.
I picked up my phone again and called Kira, she's probably still up, despite trying to sleep. And she's the only one I can talk to about this!!

"What, can I do for you at this UNGODLY hour, y/n." I could practically see her pinching the bridge of her nose or rubbing her temples, tired and sighing.
"Okay, so, I met this guy–"
"Nope. Nope. Nuh uh. We're not doing boy problems at two in the FUCKING MORNING." Well, I expected that from her.
"Kiraaaaaa pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeee"

A sigh, not from my end of the line. I knew she'd give in.

"Fine, tell me about this boy, who I assume played hero or some shit like that." I could barely contain my excitement, letting her foul language slide this time.
"He helped me in the halls today, some girl named Triścha was bullying me, and he stepped in, and he was so incredibly handsome, and we held eye contact for like– fourteen seconds, and I think I'm in love." I think this is the fastest I've ever spoken, aside from when I talk about the animes I like.

"And?" Kira didn't sound amused or interested, but she was at least listening, so I'd take it.

"And then when I walked away, I met another boy, who looked like he stepped out of one of those teen Disney movies, and he was now cute than the boy I first met, he looked like he'd be more soft and innocent, while the first guy was kind of like some off brand delinquent– oh wait, that's rude- BUT THEY WERE BOTH SO FINE." I squealed, quickly slapping a hand over my mouth, remembering my family was asleep.
"So," she paused, either for effect or just pure sleepiness, "you're crushing on two guy you know nothing about?"
"Well, when you put it that way it just sounds like a hallway crush- which I guess is exactly that.. But that's not the point!!" I defend myself, feeling a bit flustered already.

Another sigh.

"There's some beach party that's being hosted by Josh in a couple days, maybe you'll find you hallway crushes there or something." Kira sounded done already, I'm surprised she hadn't hung up yet.
"Ooh, when is it? Wait, no- I'm not very social.. what if nobody likes me? What if I don't know anyone there?!" My mind was spiraling, insecurity taking over my thoughts.

"I'll be there. Don't worry, just go to bed, I'll tell you about it later." She didn't even wait another moment before hanging up, I suppose her effort at reassurance helped somewhat, but not much. I don't think she was awake enough to comfort me, but that's okay, I didn't want to push my problems on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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