A Knew Life

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Chapter 1: Vanessa                                                                                                                                               2011

I sat on the edge of my bed. The room would have been pitch black to a human. They wouldn't know where they were or what would get in their way. But I could see. How, you may be asking. Because I am a vampire. Everyone that lives in this house is. In fact, I've been like this for the past 237 years.

The room to me was lite dully from the sunlight being captured by the moon and it's stars. My ears listened to the sounds through the house. From behind, I heard the scratching sound of a pen hitting paper from Ivy writing in her journal. I smiled; all of us kept journals. They were a good way of keeping memories. To my right, I could hear the breaths of Arraina. She was the only one sleeping. For some reason, I didn't hear Jason. Maybe he stepped out for a while.

I sighed feeling the tingling feeling that meant the sun was about to come up. I walked over to the window. The little bottle was sitting on the window sill. It's orange content swirled around. Taking of the top, I listened to Ivy and Arraina. Both were coming to my room. Good, their bottles stood next to mine. Soon the door opened, and there they stood. 

Arraina stood with her brown hair falling in front of her face. Her greenish-brown eyes stared at me tiredly, wrapped in their almond shaped cases. Arraina was a little dorkish at times, but such a good friend. Someone you could go to for a laugh.

Ivy was, well... Ivy. Her long golden brown hair fell around her collarbone in ringlets. Big blue eyes showed emotion and kindness. Ivy was such a kind understanding person.

"Vanessa," Ivy spoke " you didn't have to wait for us."

"I know." I said back " if you don't hurry up,I won't. Now come over here before you burn to ashes, I don't feel like cleaning you guys up."

Ivy did that fake gasp thing while Arraina laughed. They shuffled over grabbed our bottles. We all knew that sunlight would be visible in a few moment. In a swift moment,together at once, we took off the cork and drank the orange liquid. The warm feeling spread through out my body.

Soon the sky turned pink as the sun rays arched over the horizon. The sun crept up on us, making the sky a watercolor painting of blue, purple, pink, and yellow. Slowly the whole sun was visible, shinning brightly in our eyes. We squinted and Arraina spoke up.

"Ok, this is hurting my eyes."


"Me, too."

Ivy, Arraina, and I turned our backs on the beautiful sun.  The sunlight got caught in strains of my hair, turning them gold in the mix of brown. my hair was truly my mother's hair , as her friends would say. I miss her so much. Her warm blue eyes and chestnut hair that sparkled gold in the sun.  I felt my eyes fill with tears. Dammit! I thought. I turned away from Ivy and Arraina.

"Vanessa?" Arraina asked as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Ivy asked.

It's nothing." I replied. "Just thinking about things that happened a long time ago." I walked away from them to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a black tank top. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get dressed."

After a minute, they slowly left and shut the door behind them. I got dressed quickly and traveled to my jewelry box. it was a simple wooden box engraved with 18th century style carvings. I opened the top and pulled out my gold locket I got in 1928. It still sparkled in the sunlight. I put the locket around my neck and walked out the room and down the steps. I walked into our small kitchen (that we rarely ever used).

i found Ivy and Arraina sitting at the table sipping coffee. They had gotten dressed while I had. Ivy had on a white T-shirt under a black shawl. She had on dark blue jean short with gold hoops through her ears. Arraina was dressed in a purple top with a ruffled neckline along with a black skirt and diamond earrings. "I can't believe you're wearing a skirt." I said as I entered the room.

Arraina stuck her tongue out at me. Ivy looked at her cup and said "You know, I've never liked the taste of coffee. Even as a human."

"Then you obviously have no taste buds." Arraina back with a smile.

Ivy stuck her tongue out at Arraina. Arraina (with her vampire speed) grabbed it and shouted "Haha, see! I don't see any!" Arraina giggled and let go.

"Leave my tongue alone, women!" Ivy shouted.

"You guys are weirdos." I told them. "Loud ones." They shouted back thank yous at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cup off the counter. I poured in some hot coffe and sipped it lightly. The warmth of it spread quickly throughout my body in a fast rate that made me shiver.

"I hate it when it does that."  I said.

The back door opened and in walked Jason. He stood tall with a smile on his face. HIs brown hair looked wind-blown. his amber eyes looked large and sparkled in the early light. Grass stains layered his jeans and dirt was smugged on his shirt.

"Where were you" I asked

"Out getting breakfast." He answered grapping a cup and pouring himself some coffee.

"Did you bring anything back?" Ivy asked. When he shook his head, she frowned.

"If you guys hurry you could catch something before you have to get to school." Jason said.

The three of us finished our coffee and raced out the back door; on to the hunt.

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