Chapter 15: Temptations

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These had been a blissful past days, as we spent more time with Amir and Maryam. Unfortunately, it was time to say goodbye, as Lilith had gotten everything in order for them to start their new lives.

She came armed with a surprise this time though, as the couple wanted to stay in the USA, she put them up in the next town over. We could see them semi regularly and they wouldn't lose the first support system they had aquired in a long time.

After the tearful goodbye, the house felt a little empty, as I sat on my couch with Aunt Lisa.

I thought that this guardian thing would be something I would quickly reject and yet I found myself excited for the next couple. Maybe Aunt Lisa was right, this was my calling.

The past few days, I hadn't seen Lilith, I thought a lot about my attitude towards her and started ruminating on ways I could improve the relationship. We were partners after all.

I hadn't thought about having a drink in a long time, two weeks almost, so I knew this house and mission were good for me.

I went to take a nap and when I awoke, I was greeted with golden eyes staring at me. I screamed before realising it was Lilith. "What are you doing? You scared the hell out of me." I almost screamed at her.

Nonchalantly she said, "You were whimpering in your sleep, I have never seen a human do that so I was a bit curious. Are you ok?"

I started fidgeting with one of the dozen plushies I had on the bed. "Oh yeah that.. that was nothing." Had she heard me talk in my sleep? Did I drool? Did I let on something I shouldn't have ? Why was she even interested in that?

She got up from the bed, "We have a new file that just arrived if you want to check it out."

For the first time since waking up, I fully took her in, she was dressed. She was wearing a rust colored jumpsuit that was covering her skin entirely. It was a cute outfit, the belt sinched her waist nicely and she had no shoes on. I would have found her beautiful if this whole situation hadn't been so grotesque.

It was freaking me out to see her dressed so I softly asked "Why are you dressed? Is something wrong?"

She looked down at herself, "Oh this? Well I had to take Maryam and Amir home. I couldn't take them naked into the mortal world. Is it weird? Should I take it off?"

"Oh no no, I was just asking because I have never seen you like this." I started biting my nails, I couldn't very well tell her that it was freaking me out not to see her naked body anymore.

"Oh ok" she responded, then turned on her heels and left.

After she left, I exhaled a sigh of relief. She stirred a lot of emotions in me, there was still some negative feelings about her being a demon, even if I was working on them, they didn't magically disappear.

She made me flustered by how casually she would come close to me, I never understood it as I needed time to get close to people. I felt guilt for how cold and judgemental I was to her, if it were anybody else, I wouldn't have screamed at them.

I always had a hard time drawing boundaries, being loud or assertive with people I didn't know, yet with her the screaming came naturally.

I was also starting to notice how beautiful she was and it was making me blush. All in all, she awakened in me an explosive cocktail, that rattled me to my core. As I didn't know how to handle. It was the first time somebody brought this out in me.

I went to wash my face and take a quick shower, before heading down. Upon seeing me, Aunt Lisa's face lit up "It's your first lesbian couple, I'm so excited for you."

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