Chapter 14

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Author's Note:

"Hehe i just made another art of my Tcf oc < The Observer> . Damn i wish i could eat my own oc, too bad he isn't real. (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

I don't know why i made him baby faced. But it seems i myself have fallen for his face. o(*////▽////*)q

lol my grandma thought he was a girl.


In the midst of the Endable Kingdom's labyrinthine politics, Kim Rok Soo couldn't shake the nagging realization that he seemed to be the lone voice of reason in a world gone mad.

"What is the demon lord thinking about so deeply?" at white star's question, he quipped inwardly, his sarcasm bouncing off the walls of his mind like a ricocheting bullet. Meanwhile, a part of him lamented not having the audacity to punch the irritatingly arrogant White Star right in his smug face.

'Why the hell does this bastard have to drag me into his godly plan of world domination?' Rok Soo grumbled silently, his inner monologue a cacophony of frustration and regret.

Attempting to maintain a facade of stoic indifference, Rok Soo grunted a curt "Nothing" in response to White Star's inquiry, though the urge to roll his eyes was almost unbearable. The leader of 'Arm' seemed unfazed, his attention already drifting elsewhere as he declared their impending departure. Ignoring White Star's ramblings, Rok Soo's thoughts drifted to the comfort of his bed, longing for a day spent in blissful slumber. However, luck seemed determined to thwart his desires, as White Star's wary gaze lingered on him with a suspicion that bordered on paranoia. Rok Soo couldn't help but feel like an unwanted pest in White Star's eyes, perhaps even a perceived threat.

Seizing upon a moment of fleeting curiosity, Rok Soo dared to question White Star's decision to travel without attendants, only to be met with a dismissive response dripping with arrogance.

"I don't like having attendants go with me," White Star declared, his tone dripping with disdain. "And aren't we going to see whether the wild dog is behaving properly? Other dogs are not required."

Suppressing the urge to retort with a biting remark, Rok Soo clicked his tongue in annoyance and averted his gaze, while White Star's lingering stare only served to exacerbate his irritation. Suddenly, a blinding light engulfed them both, leaving behind an empty space where their figures had once stood, much to the amusement of <the observer>, who couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.


As the shadows danced upon the ancient cobblestones of the Endable Kingdom, Fredo, the vampire Duke, stood with an air of regal poise at the threshold of his castle, awaiting the arrival of his esteemed guests. His magenta eyes glinted with a mixture of curiosity and wariness as White Star, cloaked in a black robe and donning a white mask, approached with an air of aloofness that belied his true intentions. Beside him, Kim Rok Soo, clad in simple yet finely crafted noble attire, exuded an aura of authority, though a hint of trepidation lingered beneath his composed facade.

The demon soon recovered from his shock at the sudden teleportation and stared at the vampire Infront of him.

"Greetings, your highness and demon lord Kim Rok Soo," Fredo intoned with a respectful nod, concealing his distaste for the enigmatic White Star behind a facade of cordiality. "It is an honor to receive guests of your esteemed stature in my humble abode."

White Star's masked visage betrayed nothing as he returned Fredo's greeting with a nonchalant nod, his demeanor oozing with an irritating air of superiority that grated on Fredo's nerves. Meanwhile, Kim Rok Soo maintained a cool exterior, his gaze steady as he met Fredo's eyes for the first time. Unbeknownst to Rok Soo, Fredo's senses tingled with the unmistakable scent of fear that emanated from the seemingly composed nobleman.

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