Chapter Three

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Trial and Error

Stella stood at the edge of the bustling plaza, her eyes tracing the grand arches and ivy-covered walls of the prestigious academy. The air buzzed with excitement, but beneath the surface, a knot of worry tightened in her stomach. She couldn't shake the feeling of impending challenge, the weight of expectation pressing down on her.

As she scanned the lively crowd, her thoughts spiraled into a whirlwind of anxiety. What kind of trials awaited her in the entrance exam? Would she measure up to the standards set by generations of esteemed alumni? The uncertainty clawed at her mind, threatening to overwhelm her.

Lorian, ever perceptive to her moods, sensed her unease. With a gentle squeeze of her hand, he anchored her in the present moment. His touch was a comforting reminder that she wasn't facing this alone. "Whatever happens," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves, "I know you'll do fine. You gave me a run for my money during our spar, and I've been in Blairania learning magic since before I could walk."

His warm smile melted away some of her tension, offering a glimmer of reassurance in the face of uncertainty. With Lorian's unwavering support, Stella found a flicker of courage amidst her doubts, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Illiad, stood nearby, his arms crossed over his chest. His expression was one of disdain, his lips curled into a sneer as he observed Stella and Lorian's intimate moment. With a haughty tilt of his head, he interrupted their exchange with a snide remark.

"Half-human, Half-witch," Illiad scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Don't get your hopes up, Stella. You'll only embarrass yourself in front of the true talents here."

Stella's heart sank at his words, a flush of anger rising to her cheeks. She clenched her fists, struggling to maintain her composure in the face of his open hostility. Lorian shot Illiad a warning glare, his jaw tensing with frustration.

"Enough, Illiad," Lorian retorted, his voice sharp with reprimand. "Stella's heritage doesn't define her worth. She's proven herself time and time again, and I have every confidence in her abilities."

Illiad's lips twisted into a derisive smirk, but he said nothing more, his disdainful gaze lingering on Stella before he turned away, his attention drawn to something else in the bustling plaza. Despite his dismissive attitude, Stella refused to let his words undermine her determination. With Lorian's support and her own resilience, she would prove her worth on her own terms.

"I'll show him," she vowed, her voice firm with determination. "I'll prove that being half-human, half-witch is an advantage, not a weakness."

With a defiant flick of her hair, Stella squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. No matter what Illiad or anyone else said, she knew her worth, and she was determined to prove it to the world.

Stella's gaze swept over the bustling crowd, her eyes alighting on the diverse array of mystical beings that populated the plaza. Elves with their graceful features and pointed ears mingled with vampires, their pale skin glinting in the sunlight. Fairies flitted about, their delicate wings shimmering with iridescent hues, while changelings moved seamlessly between forms, their presence a testament to their elusive nature.

As she observed the myriad of magical creatures, a kaleidoscope of thoughts and emotions churned within Stella's mind. She marveled at the beauty of their diversity, the richness of their cultures and histories woven into the fabric of their beings. Each race brought its own unique strengths and abilities to the table, their differences a testament to the boundless possibilities of the magical world.

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