Come on down to McDonald's!

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Rody had been job hopping for some of a time... well, not some. About 7 years. He couldn't even remember what his first job was... bartender? Cashier? Rody sighed. He had to earn money... for *her*... and maybe... just maybe...

He put on his bright red and yellow cap that the manager, Frank, gave him. Then, he glanced at the old cracked alarm clock that was somehow still working after over 5 years. 8:15 a.m. , it read.

Rody was going to be late!

Rody fumbles with his belt in a panic, rushing outside with his horse-- it's a bicycle, actually. Rody just treats it like a horse every time he goes to work.

Rody pedalled fast, his legs used to the constant training from his amazing power of being late to work. His cap almost flew off as he went, giving Rody a mild heart attack.

He arrives at the back door of McDonald's, and in the rush, he threw his bicycle somewhere totally not safe, but it's not like the old beaten up horse is gonna be any worth of money.

The manager of the fast food restaurant, Mr. Marsh was waiting for him at the entrance.

"You're 11 minutes late, Lamoree, I'd give you that."


"I'll cut you some slack, though, since you're a newbie here."

Rody smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, Stan."
He breathed in, relieved. He was glad that the manager of this restaurant wasn't as strict as Jollibee's. The Jollibee manager was a nightmare. Even a single second late, they'll have a full-on outburst.

Rody was welcomed by some of the employees who he soon knew the names of-- Danielle, Rodrigo(who had the nickname "Rody", surprisingly), Annabelle, Andrew, and a few more employees who haven't introduced themselves/warmed up to Rody.

It seems that they're all hard at work, though it was early in the morning. Rody took a quick glance outside to see all the commotion, and oh boy, he wasn't ready to see the endless trail of cars lining up. He wonders how much the CEO of McDonald's makes. A large honk snapped him out of his deep thinking.


Rody glanced at the signboard in his hands. Lighter than he had imagined. Other employees said it was torture, but for him, it was as easy as lifting a feather(not really, more like a small log...?). It was a bright red and yellow, McDonald's trademark colours, and with a few flashing light bulbs that might light up automatically at night. It was even more expensive than the old vintage TV from the 60s in his trashy apartment-- that was expected, anyway. The redhead barely stays home, so he wouldn't know if it still works.

Rody recalled what those YouTube videos taught him. He squinted his eyes, trying to remember. Oh, right. Twirl the signboard around?

Rody tried turning it around, and he surprisingly got the hang of it. He tried doing a trick with the board, failing miserably. He tried again. Fail. The third time's the charm, right? He succeeded!

That was when a pale man caught his eye. He had dark eye circles under his eyes and neatly styled hair. He also had slung a dark brown suitcase over his shoulder.

"Hey! You there! Come and try our breakfast special!"

Rody yells loudly, his tone inviting. The pale man turns his head to Rody.

"No, thank you. I don't think my palate isn't refined enough for your delicacies."

The pale man said in a cold and unwavering voice, his eyes staring dead into Rody's eyes. It sent goosebumps all over his body. He smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head, the other holding the sign with ease.

*Had this guy never tried fast food before?!?*

*What a weirdo...*

Rody laughed awkwardly. Maybe the man was broke? It explains the horrifically bad fashion taste. He faced the man again, a sympathetic look on his face, but the man had disappeared.

*How strange.*

Rody sighed and continued with his job normally, a part of him still pondering about the mysterious man (with fashion taste so bad, even a six year old little girl could have better fashion taste).

Suddenly, a car zoomed by, splashing a puddle. It caused Rody to get absolutely drenched, wetter than a fish.


Rody yelped. He'd have to get a spare change of clothes. Rody trudged his way to the back door, his dear shoes that were gifted by Manon soaking wet, making a disgusting squishing sound as he walked. Kn top of that, he was wearing socks, too. He silently cursed as he opened the door, being greeted by the prying eyes of his new coworkers. Some of them laughed at the  amusing sight, making Rody heat up, his face turning a bright red. Mr. Marsh was supervising the chefs, but not anymore. He was taking a glance at the soaking wet dog. He laughed heartily.

"I do not believe my eyes...!"

He wheezed, doubling down in laughter. It did not help for Rody's embarrassment.

"Do you have a spare uniform...?"

Rody asks, his face still burning red.

"Hah- Of course, kid! There's some spare uniforms and a few unused towels back there. Just in case if any of you young people cause accidents."

Mr. Marsh laughed. He fished out a towel and started drying  Rody's hair. The way he dried Rody's hair oddly reminded him of his father, rough yet caring.

"So... Stan, I have a question..."

Rody said.

"Go on, fella."

Mr. Marsh replied.

"Can I give a burger to someone? On the house?"

He asked pleadingly.

"That wouldn't be a problem! Is it for that special someone, hm?"

Mr. Marsh wriggled his eyebrows comically, making Rody laugh.

"No!- Of course not...!"

"Then, for who, mate?"

"Long story, but there's this pale man with the fashion taste of a sixty-five year old man on crack at Walmart I saw while on shift. He might have never tried fast food before! He might be broke, too."

Rody explains.

"Is he wearing all black?"

"Yeah, why?"

Mr. Marsh snapped his fingers, looking at Rody.

"It must be Vincent Char-blah blah blah I forgot."

He admitted with a laugh.

"He's the owner of the fancy bistro downtown."

"Really? La Guacamole the Saturday? That one?"

Rody asked.

Mr. Marsh erupted with laughter, throwing the towel aside as he handed Rody a fresh uniform.

"I think it's supposed to be 'La Guele de Saturne'."

"Oh, yeah! That place... Maybe I should drop by there soon... he really needs to get a big Mac."

End notes:

So boring chapter again. Don't trust me. I break promises. Anyways over 1000 words of boringness! I'm actually happy tbh. ALSO MR MARSH IS ABT 40 WITH 2 KIDS SO HE OBVI TREATS HIS EMPLOYEES LIKE HIS KIDS!
It's chinese new year here so I won't update that much.

Stay tuned!

(P.S please give me feedback or any type of constructive criticism please. I'm not that skilled at writing and plotting LMAO)

The Worker At McDonald's ||Vincent X Rody(wip)Where stories live. Discover now