The 'scene'

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Tadashi heard a loud thud coming from the room beneath him. What in the world is Hiro doing? Throwing bricks?! Tadashi was trying to keep concentrated on his studies, A new test was coming up on robotic anatomy and he didn't want to get a bad grade (even though he knew that wasn't going to happen).

"Hand me the screwdriver." Hiro commanded. Baymax obliged, handing him the tool. Hiro was upgrading Baymax, hoping to expand his Battery Life before needing to recharge. The task was difficult but what made it even more impossible was the fact that Hiro couldn't keep Tadashi's face out of his mind. Soon, he stopped working as he was dazed within his thoughts. He began to imagine what Tadashi would look like undressed. Probably all muscular and handsome.

"STOP!" A buzzing noise within Hiro's head told him that this was beyond wrong, but another part of him said to go along with it and see what'll happen. He began to hear foot steps nearing towards the work-room. He knew it was Tadashi. Quickly he pulled out the futon mattress in the room (Thinking of what could be if all goes according to plan) and pretended to be 'passed out' on his work desk. Still thinking about Tadashi and his body, making his skin warm in a full body blush. Blindsided to the fact that Baymax was still in the stance of when he was being 'operated' on.

Tadashi walked into the work room, only to see his younger, brother with his face implanted into his working desk.

"You ok?" Tadashi asked, concerned.

Hiro lifted his head and stared head on at Tadashi. Eyes half lidded and completely fogged with lust. Cheeks burning red as his hot skin could've been mistaken for a terrible fever. Tadashi looked shocked, he could've sworn he was dreaming, ...about his brother?

"H...Hiro?" Tadashi stuttered, but was suddenly interrupted by a huge, talking marshmallow

"Baymax? What, why are you activated?"

"Hiro was upgrading my Data Hard-Drive." Baymax plainly responded.

Before Tadashi asked anymore questions to Baymax, he glanced at Hiro. The closest thing Hiro resembled right now was a dog in heat. Hiro just stared at Tadashi, looking needy for him as if he was sick and his brother was the cure.

"Baymax, scan Hiro." Tadashi commanded.

With a quick glance, Baymax responded. "Scan complete. Hiro appears to have no physical injuries, but his hormonal level is very unstable. Common in male adolescence. Diagnosis; Puberty."

So to sum it up, Hiro was going through one of his teenage mood swings?! Or was he just horny? In Tadashi's mind he was blushing a deep red, but on the outside he appeared confused. (Tadashi knew how to keep his true emotions inside) So zoned out in thought, Tadashi nearly forgot that his hormonal brother was right infront of him. Literally. While Tadashi was deep in thought, Hiro had leaned closer towards his brother, unnoticed. Tadashi was about to speak up again, but was interrupted once more, this time by Hiro's lips.

Hiro was kissing his own brother, the brother that had raised him, and Hiro loved it. Tadashi couldn't believe how needy his brother really was or the fact that he was kissing his own brother! He tried gasping for air but Hiro did not permit it. Swirling his tounge inside Tadashi's mouth and locking lips with him did not lighten Hiro's craving for Tadashi's body. As they kissed, Hiro began to pull on Tadashi's shirt at an attept to take it off. At first Tadashi was hesitant, restraining Hiro's hand from traveling any further. To this, Hiro stopped kissing Tadashi, both gasping for air.

"Stop holding me back Tadashi. All these years I've only been able to fantasize about what this could be like. I need this." Hiro said, trembling with lust over his brother. Tadashi looked at his brother with wide eyes, seeing how much Hiro really did need this and how much Tadashi secretly wanted this to happen as well. He then let go of the grasp he had on his younger brother's arm, letting hands run free and remove his clothing to reveal a very muscular form. Hiro then planted small kisses all over Tadashi's stomach as a faint moan escaped Tadashi's lips. Hiro smirked, feeling accomplished from making his brother feel pleasure, then went back to working on his brothers body. Suddenly, Tadashi pushed Hiro up towards his face and lured him into a heated kiss. Tadashi now accepted what he was about to do, no going back. Hiro then broke the kiss and began to unbuckle Tadashi's belt. Once his jeans were removed, the only article of clothing holding Hiro away from Tadashi was the thin black fabric of boxers, covering the part of Tadashi that Hiro craved. Hiro then teased his brother by sucking at the fabric where a bulging manhood could be detected underneath. Hiro looked into Tadashi's eyes hungrily.

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