Chapter 1

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It opens on a teenage cat demon as he was waking up from bed as music started playing with his voice was heard singing the song as it was voiced over.

It opens on a teenage cat demon as he was waking up from bed as music started playing with his voice was heard singing the song as it was voiced over

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As he sat up from bed and stretched he looked out the window as it then cuts to a flashback of him as a kid scavenging through the trash looking for food before emerging where he me them. There stood two women, one was blonde, had pale skin and rosie cheeks wearing a red suit. The other was a moth demon with grayish skin, white hair, wearing a eye patch with a X over it, a red polo shirt, and a black skirt. The blonde woman saw him first as she picked him up as she smiled and showed him the moth woman as she smiled as we and they talked for moment before nodding with agreement. It then transitions back to the present as the cat demon was doing some mondain tasks around the hotel along side the aforementioned demons along with two other sinner demons one with dog like features like dog ears, yellow eyes, dog claws, and dog tail. The second one had a pair of ram horns on his head. It then went back to another flashback with him as a kid as the two demon women brought him the hotel for the first time. It then cuts back to the present as he was hangout with another pair of sinner demons that looks more like a white spider and a cyclops as they talked. It then showed another flash back to where the two women from before brought the young cat demon to the hotel for the first time and introduced him to everyone there which included the spider demon and ram horned demon mentioned before there was also a deer demon that had a huge smile on his face wearing all red, a wolf demon with a blank expression of his face wearing all blue, a demon who when spoke only openes his mouth as his voice is heard without him moving his mouth, a demon with a eye patch and in all black, a cat demon, a small cyclops, a pair of brothers, and a another sinner with a British accent. Most of them were very welcoming towards him while the rest were kinda skeptical of him not knowing what he would grow up to be but over time grew to love him too. It then showed him helping the small cyclops with the dishes and the cleaning around the hotel. It then showed various flashbacks of each person teaching him how to do certain things such as Charlie and Niffty teaching him how to sing/dance, Vaggie and David teaching him how to fight, Husk teaching him how to make elephant toothpaste and a hangover cure, Angel teaching him ballet, Alistor and Allen teaching him about criminology and music, Jack teaching him how to brew tea, while the rest taught him how to read, write, math, and other academic stuff. It then showed David him how to drive, at first it was a bit rocky before a while he got the hang of it. It showed another flash back where it was his ninth and Charlie and Vaggie walked in the room and showed him papers saying that they officially adopted him which made him very happy as he hugged them both. It cuts back to the present one last time as he was see climbing the side of the hotel before the jumping onto the sign that was next to him before then take a running start and jumped onto the galleon as it over looked all of pentagram city. It then showed more flashbacks as it showed various patrons of the hotel introducing Dylan to their friends/Co-workers as well before then returning to the present as the song wraps up. He continued looking over the city until he heard a thud behind him and saw one of his mothers there Vaggie.

Cat's out of the bag: Dylan's beginning Where stories live. Discover now