1 - pilot

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As Jungkook drew his first breath, the night unfolded in a symphony of horror and thunder. The elders whispered of ill fortune, escorting his mother through the emergency room amidst her piercing screams echoing the rupture of waters.

However, the crescendo of pain turned into a euphony of joy as she embraced her resilient baby boy in the soft glow of dawn. The sun, a timid artist, painted hues through the parting clouds, casting a warm radiance as she lavished her newborn with boundless love.

Despite the ominous signs during his birth, Jungkook's mother consistently showered him with love and affection. Growing up, he couldn't recall a single moment when her soft doe eyes expressed anything other than pure love. Until one day, that changed. It was the first time he saw pain and sorrow in her gaze, a memory etched vividly in his mind.

At the age of four, his parents took him to the clinic, concerned about the absence of his expected animal traits. Initially assuming he might be a late bloomer, their worry intensified as he continued to grow without manifesting any such characteristics.

The doctor delivered the unexpected news – Jungkook was a non-breed, devoid of any trace of animal blood, despite his parents being half-breeds of the fox. The shock gripped his parents; his mother wore an expression of deep sadness, while his father looked at him with unmistakable disappointment. As a bewildered four-year-old, he struggled to comprehend their reactions.

As Jungkook grew older, the reasons behind his parents' reactions became clear. In a world dominated by the hierarchy of animal breeds, being a rare non-breed marked him as an outsider – shiftless, a weak link, a rare case, an embarrassment, powerless, a weirdo. By the time he reached twelve, he had grown accustomed to the taunts and labels thrown his way.

Yet, despite lacking his mother's fox blood, he carried her heart. Dreaming high and thirsting for adventure, Jungkook cultivated strength and resilience. He aimed to defy the world's expectations, determined to prove that as a non-breed, he could carve out his place. With unwavering belief, he aspired to achieve greatness and challenge the prevailing norms.

Determined not to surrender, Jungkook, much like his unwavering mother, resolved to become one of the finest officers in the National Police Department of Seoul. His goal extended beyond personal success; he aspired to offer hope to those enduring the hardships of a world dominated by predators. 

And the day finally came. He succeeded the first step to achieving his dream when he got the acceptance letter from the NPD of Seoul. The first person he called as he wiped his teary eyes was his mother. She was overjoyed, bursting with happiness as she rambled about how proud she was of him.

Standing before the towering, extravagant building with the bold letters proclaiming "National Police Department of Seoul," Jungkook felt a surreal mix of emotions. Nervously adjusting his navy blue uniform, he took a deep breath before stepping into the monumental journey ahead.

The place echoed with constant chatter, probably because it was the first day for new recruits and transfers. Jungkook's eyes darted around the hallways, filled with awe as he recognized many officers he admired for their achievements.

"Take deep breaths. Stay calm," he muttered to himself as he walked by, trying to smile and chat, but most ignored him or showed indifference. Feeling flustered, he hurriedly moved through the crowd, eager to find the meeting room for new recruits.

Instead of heading to his assigned room, Jungkook made an unexpected detour to the washroom tucked away in the right corner. He briskly walked to the faucet, eager to wash his sweaty hands, a consequence of his jittery nerves. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of everyone being on top of their game, making it difficult not to feel intimidated. He sighed, gazing at his reflection in the mirror, taking a moment to adjust the badge on his uniform.

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