Chapter 5

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( Btw this story is set in the somewhat beginning of season 4, hope you enjoy this chapter feel free to comment how I could improve as a new writer! )

"Absolutely not" deans says

"Are you crazy" Sam follows up

"Please just listen to me for a second before you get all weird" I say pleadingly

"Fine" Sam sighs Dean looks at him like he's crazy

"Uh no no listening it's a no" dean says shaking his head dramatically

"Dean please" I say stepping closer to him pouting he looks at me for a second before sighing

"Well when you look at me like that how am I suppose to say no" he rolls his as I smile thankfully

"Ok as I was saying I think Crowley could be useful wether anyone likes him or not and he seemed like he really doesn't want Lucifer to rise I believe him when he says he wants and could help" I say clasping my hands together in front of me looking at there reactions

"Yeah still no" dean says looking at me seriously I shrug my shoulders slightly defeated

"Maybe we should hear him out" Sam says looking at Dean

"Are you joking Sam he's a demon the king of hell and you wanna play nice with him after everything" he stares at Sam angrily

"Dean come on I'm not saying that I'm just saying we give it a shot I mean do we have any other plan, Bobby can't find anything, cas is awol maybe we need this" he huffs out I look at him confused

"Cas who's cas?" I say looking between them

"Oh yeah I guess we never told you" Sam says

"Tell me what" I whine out looking at him expectingly

"We meant an angel his names castiel he's the one that brought Dean back from..."

"First off all angels are real and you kept it from me what the hell" I say in disbelief

"Sorry" Sam mutters out looking apologetically at me i turn around and run my hands through my hair processing all the information just thrown at me angels are real, one's name is cas, is he helping or hurting, I mean he must be helping if he brought Dean back from... wait where'd he bring Dean back from I turn back around looking at Dean then Sam questioningly

"Wait where was Dean that an angel had to rescue him from" I say crossing my arms looking at them back and forth

"That's not really something we talk-" Sam says but Dean interrupts him

"Hell, I died went to hell cas pulled me out" he says looking away I could see the pain in his eyes just talking about it

"Dean...I'm so sorry" I say walking towards him going to hug him but he puts his hands out to stop me

"It's fine really no need for a pity party" he says harshly I stop looking at him like he slapped me across the face he's never been like this with me before he looks at me seeing how hurt I am his face softens for a second before going back to normal and going to walk out the door

"I'm going on a beer run this king of hell bullshit conversation needs alcohol" he says gabbing his coat of the hook and walking out closing the door behind him I still stand in the same spot shocked, embarrassed and overall hurt

"Em I'm sorry about him every sense he came back he's been different and he hates when you bring it up or anything around it including hell I mean we barely even talk about it" he says coming towards me smiling hoping to make me feel better I look up at him the corners of my mouth upturning a little at his contagious smile

" it's ok really I shouldn't have brought it up I just can't believe he went to hell that must have been terrible, for you both" I say looking at him sorrily losing his brother must have been terrible and from his eyes welling up with tears I can imagine how terrible

"I'm not gonna lie it wasn't easy" Sam says smiling fakely I smile up at him sadly

"If you ever wanna talk about it I'm here for you I hope you know that" I say putting my hand on his shoulder squeezing it

"I know" he smiles appreciatively

"So..what do we do now" I say

"Wait for Dean to come back I guess" Sam says sighing all of a sudden he looks at me seriously

"You don't know Crowley like we do he's bad news em" I look at him questioning wondering the history they have

"But I trust your judgment so if you think he can help I'll try to be on board and help try to convince Dean" he says smiling supportively at me

"Thank you Sam it means a lot" I say smiling back, we settle into a comfortable silence as we wait for Dean to get back as I sit on deans bed I think how to handle the hell situation or if I even do, if it's any of my business, I feel bad for reacting how I did because its not about me it's about Dean and his clearly traumatic past, I guess I'll just see what happens when Dean gets back if he wants to talk about it or not I just hope he doesn't hate me forever

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