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I am Sensuke. I live in a world full of unending mysteries and wonders I wonder if they are real. I brought him to this desire to claim the role as the Top 1 Traveller. Although he is only still a child, he just has a lot to learn.

You will know who I am, what I am. Just not now.

"Safe travels, Okay?" My mother said, countless of times, I refuse to believe she actually trusted me in this desire. Wouldn't going from forest to forest be a living danger?

For now, I will only approach you when a story begins.

At the vastly empty void, the ringing in my ears were close to deafening. However, footsteps and shackles of chains interrupted me.

The other one approaches.

"Why are you here?" I asked, tilting my head upwards to see the other one.

"Why not? You're not the one behind chains, are you?" Said the other one, as he looked down on me. "Sensuke, You have to accept the fact the kid has so much to learn, he's only a child after all." The other one hisses.

"Rich of you to say such words. You're like you aren't younger than him." Scoffing, I turn away

"Excuse me? I only call him a child because he acts like one, he's 15. He should be focusing on himself, not to risk his life just to be superior. After all, He is already his own superiority from the very start." The other one grunted.

I turned back to him."And are you jealous? Are you jealous that a kid will be stronger than you?"


"I think you and I know one day he'll find out soon." Said the other one, before calmly walking away into the black and unending fog.

If I had to repeat myself, I will only approach you when the story begins.

Am I clear, Senny?

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