pt4 of truth

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(still no one's POV)

When they got home Felix was still kinda babbling incoherently but Ted didn't mind, he actually found it kinda cute (NOT A SHIP!) Teddy brought Felix into his room and sat him down on the bed, since it was hard to stand up let alone walk for Felix.
Felix felt bad for Ted, he shouldn't have to to take care of him, Felix was thirteen he shouldn't have to be carried cause he couldn't walk.
He should have just died instead.
Y'know what he should!
He decided as he sits there thinking about the least painful way to die.
He looks around the room thinking about what to k!ll himself with as he spots a jump rope on the floor.
Even though it wasn't a proper rope it would still work for him, whatever k_lled him was good enough.
He grabbed the rope and put it around his neck, Ted walks back in looks at Felix and runs towards him pulling the rope from out his hands,
"Why Felix?!" Said Ted crying as he looked Felix in the eyes "I ....I don't know Ted" said Felix looking down out of shame, Felix thinks for a moment, how has he not noticed?Felix needs Ted, and Ted needs Felix, they need each other to be whole.
Felix then hugs Ted, tears running down his face as he does.
Ted makes a plan, if he just baby proof everything and take everything that he could hurt himself with out of the room, over time Felix would be ok!

....... right?

Ted picked up Felix not bothering to use the wheelchair, and this time walked to Felix's room he sat Felix on the bed and started picking up and taking down anything that could hurt Felix, pens, the curtains, ect
Felix was a little confused, "what are you doing Ted?" Asked Felix "I'm baby proofing your room so you can't hurt yourself" said Ted still picking stuff up and moving other things. now Felix was a little mad, I mean he's thirteen he shouldn't have to be babied, Felix was also mad whenever he went to the bathroom and there was a child lock on the cabinet, cause even though Felix is a good business man, he wasn't good at opening child locks.

kindergarten Felix angst Where stories live. Discover now