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"You stress me the fuck out," Dominque lets out a deep sigh as she feverishly sorts through another rack of silk and sequin dresses. Her eyes trained on the rack as her hands move with speed, pushing one dress to the side and then another. She bites her lip, deeply concentrated on the task in front of her. When I called her this morning and told her I needed help finding a dress for the party, I should've known she wouldn't take this assignment lightly. After all, it's Dominque we are talking about.

"I stress myself out," I laugh as I move another stack of hangers to the other side of the railing. It feels as though we have been here for hours, sorting through the seemingly never ending racks of over the top prom dresses and cheap evening gowns. Every few minutes she pulls out a dress, which I usually veto immediately. I feel her frustration building up with every dress she has to put back on the rack.

"How about this one," she asks, holding a green beaded gown in front of her. She looks at me expectantly, her hopeful eyes waiting for my reaction.

I look it up and down before scrunching my face up, "Too low cut," I say, shaking my head.

"Oh, so now you are a prude," she laughs and rolls her eyes dramatically, "Too low cut" she  says mockingly. "I don't think those words have ever come out of a strippers mouth," she laughs. I can't help but laugh with her, the irony is too real. The dress would've been perfect for Rose, but today it's Lillian that we are shopping for.

I continue sorting through the racks, in search of something remotely classy. Every so often I pull out a dress and hold it in front of my body, but somehow no matter where in the store she is, I hear Dominque scoff in disgust from across the room. "Put it back," she says loudly, and I honestly have no idea how she say me even pull it off the rack. Defeat washes over me again and again, my enthusiasm lessening with every "ew" Dominique mutters.

I finally land on a silky purple dress. Holding it in front to my me, I look at Dominque expectantly from across the aisle. "Babe, you are starting to blur the line between modest and grandma," she says simply, "Get your ass to the dressing room please," she pushes me towards a fitting room stall. "You are going to stay right here and try on whatever I hand you." I hear her mom tone coming out, so I know it's not worth arguing. I nod my head and shut the door as she saunters away, disappearing into the realm of glitter and cheap silk.

Just a few minutes later dresses come flying over the fitting room door, one after another, "Incoming," Dominque yells as fabric flops onto my head and piles up at my feet. I lean froward and pick up the first dress that catches my eye, a blue strapless gown. "Not bad," I say quietly to myself before returning to the pile of dresses on the floor. "Try the red one," Dominque says loudly from the other side of the door. I begin sorting through the mess of fabric when I see a flash of shiny red satin. Pulling it out, I hold it close to my body. It's pretty, maybe even beautiful. Slipping it over my head I feel the satin drop down to my ankles and hug my body. Looking in the mirror, I can't help but notice the subtle smile tugging at the corners of my lips. The fabric cinches at the waist, creating an hour glass effect, with a low cut back, exposing just enough skin. The dainty straps straps elegantly drop down the sides of my shoulders, exposing just enough of my chest.

"Bitch, c'mon," Dominque says impatiently, "I wanna see it!"

I laugh before undoing the latch and stepping out of the fitting room with my best runway walk. Dominque squeals with excitement as I dramatically whip my hair and place my hands on my hips with Bella Hadid level sass. "Okay Miss Hotstuff," she looks me up and down wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I stop in front of the mirror to take my appearance in once more. Quietly I look at the girl in the reflection, soaking in the feeling of satisfaction. Dominique steps inside the dressing room to stand beside me, "You're beautiful," Dominque says sweetly, gently resting her head against my shoulder.

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