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jungkook was starring at the tiger lily bouquet now settled in a vase that seokjin had given earlier. the already cold coffee in his hand, the cup almost empty.

it was already about seven in the evening and the dark haired male was still waiting for the brunette to wake up.

he had already changed into some more comfortable clothes thanks to namjoon who dropped by their home to get him some stuff he needed before going to the hospital.

the namjin couple spent a few hours with him in the room and they even ate dinner together. the two also offered to watch over taehyung first while he can go home if he wants to but knowing jungkook, he wouldn't want to leave his husband's side.

it was about late in the evening when jungkook was getting settled on the chair he'll be calling as his bed for the night when the brunette finally regains consciousness.


jungkook's eyes snapped open, body awake and alert as he was drowsing off to sleep in the arm chair he was seated in beside the brunette.

"yes, my love?" he stood up, a gentle hand on the brunette's cheek that had the younger leaning in to the touch. "i'm here..." jungkook replies again, leaning down and pressed soft kisses on the younger's forehead and cheeks, a sigh of relief also escaping his lips.

taehyung blinks, eyes adjusting to the unfamiliar room and jungkook was quick to notice his anxiousness as his hand that was holding on to him tightened.

"you're okay, my love. i'm here with you" jungkook was quick to reassure not wanting to stress the brunette more. "we're at the hospital, baby"

"hospital...?" taehyung mumbled, slowly sitting up with jungkook helping him.

"yeah, but there's nothing to worry about. you and our little watermelon are both okay" the older quickly reassured seeing the brunette's hand going over his pregnant tummy.

"we're okay...?"

"yes, my love. you both are okay" jungkook confirmed and lightly chuckles seeing the dazed look on the younger as if processing each and every word from his lips.

it was a second later after taehyung blink that he turned to look at jungkook as if just remembering something very important, now more awake. "the bouquet! i bought you a bouquet" he exclaimed, voice still a bit hoarse that had jungkook chuckling again, not expecting that that was what he was going to say. "it was tiger lilies..." he mumbled, voice soft as if unsure.

he opened a bottle of water, drinking the liquid before leaning into the brunette, capturing his lips that had the startled pregnant male lightly moaning, eyes fluttering, cheeks turning warm as he drinks the water from his husband's mouth.

"thank you. the bouquet is beautiful, my love" jungkook says as he lightly pulled away, breath mingling against the younger parted, wet lips. "it's on the vase over there" he mumbled, head tilting to look over were the vase was, the brunette following his line of sight.

taehyung knows his face was flushed red, the heart rate monitor not helping as it clearly shows how his heart rate was rising with every second.

jungkook pecks the brunette's lips and gently licks off the few bits of water that had drooled in the corner of his mouth.

"are you still thirsty, my love?" he asked.

the pregnant male only simply nodded, eyes on his husband. his heart rate only racing up more as he felt his husband's lips against his once again to let him drink water.

jungkook had a gentle hand on the brunette's nape as the last bit of water was finished and gives a series of pecks on the younger's lips, grinning as taehyung chased after his lips.

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