Reese x thicc reader Part 2

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I lean over to kiss him. Right as you peck him on the lips. A car pulls in "Mom" all the boys say in unison. "Start working on the project and I'm sorry about her in advance." He says. "Who's this Louis says as she walks through the door" Reese freezes "Just a girl from class mom she's doing homework with me" Reese says and turns to you smiling widely.

Louis put a hand on her hip, she looked at us with suspicion. "What is the project on?" Reese tenses up. You knew he had no idea what the correct name was. "It's a paper on The Compiègne Wagon and the treaties that were signed, Ma'am." I say in a polite tone. Malcolm jumps in, "Mr Hekabe also mentioned that we can choose our favorite treaty and do extra credit paper explaining why it means to you." Malcolm grins at us.Louis grins about the extra credit "Sounds like a good opportunity for Reese to get his grade up, She seems like a smart girl. Malcolm, feel free to help them too. He needs everything he can get. He's about to have to retake this class. Do you really wanna be in Mr. Hekabe's class forever." Louis crosses her arms and has a serious tone. Reese furrows his brow "Mr Hekabe has it out for me, of course I don't want to repeat the class." I can feel his anger radiating off his skin. "I will help you do the extra credit assignment dont worry. I will make sure you don't have to repeat his class... I hate Mr Hekabe" I mutter the last part only loud enough for Reese to hear. It makes him chuckle. "Me too,trust me." he mutters back. Louis looks in the kitchen. "Wow Reese you made dinner? Was it to impress the girl or to help you mom?" Reese seems confused by the question. I whisper to him "say both" he smiles nodes and "Say both. '' he states loud and proud, I couldn't help but physically facepalm. Louis smiled, seeming pleased to see me and Reese start working on the project together.

Meanwhile Malcolm gets up from the table, and walks over to his mom in the kitchen as she is putting away groceries. "What do you think of her?" he whispers. "The Mom in me says he is not ready for a girlfriend, what if she breaks his heart. But that girl has him wrapped around her finger, I bet she could get him to do just about anything." Malcolm looks at his mom confused and baffled "You got all that from one conversation?" Lois chuckled. "No, he made her dinner and cleaned up the whole kitchen. He even did the dishes. Now he's doing school work agreeing to do the extra credit. She's got real potential." Louis grins "I think she can get through his thick skull somehow, I wonder what her secret is. How did she break him?" Louis ponders. Malcolm just shrugs, "I don't know, all I've seen is her being nice to him, and he beat up some jokes for her today." Lois' expression switched from satisfaction to rage "HE WHAT?" Louis marches out of the kitchen Malcom looks at Reese with fear he mouths the words 'sorry' and sneaks off into the bedroom. "YOU GOT IN A FIGHT TODAY AT SCHOOL?!" She yelled at him. Reese gets defensive. "They were being jerks. They deserved every hit." Reese states in an angry voice. I interjected to try and help his case "He did it because they were oinking at me." I shrink back as I didn't mean to raise my voice as loud as I had. Louis stared at me for a long time, the direct eye contact and not being able to read her was making my heart beat get faster, I started to get kind of shaky. "Are you lying to me?" I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding "No Ma'am, it's true. Reese was simply protecting me, so I'm repaying the favor by helping him get his grades up." I smile endearingly to her hoping that I can get out of trouble with good behavior. Lois simply smiles "Well I'd like to see results. You have 3 hours till sundown, I will call your parents and let them know you will be home at 8. I want to see progress with him before you leave." Louis goes to her bedroom, leaving just you and Reese at the family room table. Dewey and Malcolm are in their bedroom. Reese looks at you. "Should we continue what we started before being interrupted?" Reese says softly, getting close. You touch your forehead to his. You whisper softly "I'd love to but your mom is scary and we should get some studying started then maybe later. I opened my book to the page about The Compiègne Wagon. "Boooringg" Reese groans. "We haven't even gotten past the into page." Both of us chuckle at my comment.

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