The story of Riley Lampret

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!!TW!! mentions of Abuse, Suicide, Death

Hi, My name is Riley, well my real name is Rylan but I don't go by that. I'm 16 years old and play for Arsenal. 2 years ago when I was 14 I started training with the first team instead of the academy. I officially got called up to the first team just last week and today was the day where I was going to sign my 3 year official contract with arsenal. My dream club.

We have to be at the London Colney training grounds by 9:00am for breakfast but I like to arrive early at 7:00am and spend time by myself on the training pitches before anyone else arrives. Why do I do this? Well that would be because of my father. My father abuses me everyday but this has only been the case since my mother and sister died 4 years ago.

We used to be a happy family of 4 with my mother, father, my twin sister Evie and me. We would have family movie nights every Friday and order pizza. We would go on road trips to the beach in the summer and go to the arcade and see who could win the most tickets. We did everything that a normal happy family would do until that day.


"Hello this is St. Mary's hospital, is this Mr. Lampret?" I hear someone speak on my Fathers phone.

"Yes this is, how may I help you?" My Father replies, putting the phone on speaker, placing it down on the kitchen bench to continue making me and my twin sister Evie tea.

"I am so sorry to inform you Sir but your wife has passed away, she passed away earlier today we're very sorry for your loss" The doctor informs my Father. I look to my left and my sister is as white as a ghost.

"No, no this cannot be true I don't believe you, we didn't get to say goodbye" My Father screams at the doctor over the phone nearly in tears but is clearly trying to staying strong for me and Evie.

"Once again I am very sorry for your loss, I wish you and your family the best" The next thing I heard was 3 beeps signalling that the phone call had ended.

Nobody spoke. My Father was standing still in the kitchen while I had silent tears running down my face and before I knew it my sister was no longer next to me. I thought she needed time to herself, I thought we all did so I slowly ventured off to my own room.


2 hours later

I was in need of some comfort and didn't want to bother my father so I decided to go and see my twin sister. We had a very close relationship and told each other everything. I knocked on her door and she didn't answer so I slowly opened her door and was horrified at the scene I saw. My twin sister's lifeless body laying on the ground next to her bed with notes laying around her, I tried to scream but I couldn't. Something was stopping me. I was trapped.

After my Father and I had experienced 2 deaths of our loved ones in one day we didn't speak for weeks, my Father fell heavily depressed to the point where he couldn't even get out of bed. That's when he found drugs and alcohol. You see before my mother and sister died we were all a happy family no fights nothing but ever since that my father's changed he's an alcoholic and a drug addict. I didn't really care what my father was doing at least he was out of bed, I thought the alcohol and drugs were helping him, They were just helping him in the wrong way. At first he would never say anything or touch me, just come home extremely drunk until one day he came home and yelled at me and told me that their deaths were all my fault and it only escalated from there.

My mother had gotten diagnosed with brain cancer when I was just 8 and she fought so hard for me and my sister until one day when we went to visit her she had been put into an induced coma. We would go and visit her twice a week but slowly overtime we started going less frequently to the point where we stopped as there was no point in going to see her if we were just sitting next to her body watching her chest rise and fall for hours. We never got to say goodbye to her as she unexpectedly passed away in her coma. Me and my mother were so close to each other, she was so special to me as we had the same eyes. My mother had heterochromia which I had inherited from her. My left eye was a light bright blue while my right eye was a pale green, the same as my mothers. Everyone was always obsessed over my eyes and it would always remind me of my mother so I stopped giving people eye contact. My mothers death hit me hard, I just didn't show it.

*End of flashback*

Ever since that day 4 years ago nothing has been the same. My Father now abuses me on a daily basis sometimes to the point where I physically cannot move the next day which is always hard as I normally have training.

I attend my local secondary school but am only required to attend on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday with training after school. Every other day of the week I'm at the London Colney training grounds.

My life isn't the easiest, there's ups and there's downs but that doesn't stop what I love doing most.

The story of Riley Lampret.


The first chapter is out! I promise that the rest of the chapters are going to be a lot longer than this one. 

Stay tuned for the next chapter

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