Chapter 1

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter It was a real pain to make especially since this is my first time trying this anyway enjoy
The screen began to flicker into a image it was that of a forest and hills and a long river with to seem clear blue water

Woah exclaimed the half elf Subaru's world  really is pretty. Though Emilia sounded calm she was panicking on the inside at the though of her knight being hurt

See I told you guys Big Bros world would be awesome! yelled Felt with vigor and excitement in her voice

Lady Felt! Her red hair knight whispered you must contain your excitement. Wahhhh buts why!

The two continued to bicker while Priscilla snorted at the commoner's before her

We have a place a compound we have a community... it's safe here. How many are there...are any of them children... because the fastest way to get there is through the river and I don't think you can get through there with kids.

Hey! Where is that voice coming from! exclaimed the surprised Otto

It wer coming out of nowher! Yelled Garfield matching his brother's confusion

Everyone turned to the Yellow Loli sitting on her Contractor's lap

Ughhh you fools always require Betty's help    said the quite annoyed Beatrice

Based of the static It was most likely on a radio. It's like a media but has no screen and seems to only produce sound I suppose

Just how many communication devices do they have? Asked the perplexed Ricardo

I don't know but they have hundreds! Mimi chimed in with her overgenic voice

But why would they need a compound nya? Perhaps something is happening and they need to gather everyone into a certain spot Crusch attempted to answer her knight's question

Hearing those words of needing safety Rem started to grip on Subaru's back a little tighter hoping her hero would be alright

Ram noticing this cringed slightly she was already preparing for a long conversation with her beloved sisters taste in men

Listen to me said a certain voice everyone could recognize as Subaru I'm only going to say this once we are going on the trip now. The screen began to show Subaru's face his eyes were red and it looked like he hadn't slept in days

At this sight many of the audience gasped as millions of thoughts began to run through their mind of what hapoend to the poor boy

The screen slowly started to zoom out of his face and slowly starting to show more of his surroundings. It's gonna be rough it's gonna feel like it's gonna go on forever so it's gonna be hard to stay alert it's gonna be even harder to stay quite but you have to do both you have to do everything I say or we will not make it understand?

Under no circumstance  you take off your blind fold if I catch you without it on I WILL hurt you

Emilia's eyes went wide at his statement... her Subaru hurting somebody over a silly blindfold?

Whilliam simply did not react to his statement he knew his "grandson" always had a reason to say something

Petra shoved her face into Fredrica's waist hoping she didn't hear that correctly while Fredrica petted the small maid trying all to comfort her

This is gonna be a long journey it's gonna get cold were bringing blankets Boy you have your dog girl you have your kitty...This is just a place where there is nothing more that we need from it do you understand...then no talking on the river

Subaru began to talk again If you hear a noise in the forest you tell me if you hear a noise in the water you tell me and NEVER ever take off your blindfold if you do your DEAD do you understand.The camera flips to show he is talking to two slightly cut up and bruised children.

By the Dragon...Julie's began to mumble but stopped due to the shock of saying that especially to children

Roswall showed no emotion to Subaru's statement infact he was holding a chuckle in

Ricardo hug the two little twins in his lap he were now emitting signs of nervousness and a tad bit of fear

Dammit Barasu why haven't you treated those children wounds

Felix on the other hand was biting his lip due to his inability to heal the poor children and Subaru.

As for Priscilla she couldn't care less infact she just started to yap about how filthy those animals were

The scene changed to Subaru grabbing a bird from a rusty birdcage and gently placing it in a box while in the background the girl grabs her kitty and the boy grabs some food

Subaru pucks up his bag and tells the children to hurry

The scene changed one again to outside of the house where Subaru and both children have blindfolds over their eyes

Beatrice squeezed her contractor's hand to fear of the boy getting hurt and his stupidity

But why do they have to wear those blindfolds? Felt began to ask

I'm...not sure but Subaru said they need to wear it or they...die Reinheard responded to his princess

If this is the past that means if Subaru dies...

He permanently deeeeeaaaaad Roswall sang which everyone began to stare at him

How dare you make a joke about that I suppose!

Crusch began to tightly grip at her arm rest resisting the urge to beat the fuck out of that clown

Subaru began to walk forward down a dirt path then it switches to his POV to show that he cannot see anything but the blueness of his blindfold

Subaru began to reach out and stumble toward until he grabbed a rope and he beagne to count his steps 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so forth until he reached a dock

Subaru slowly lets go of the children's hands and removed a bunch of debre out of the way to show a rusty boat

Emilia began to tighten her grip on her knight for her could not see anything and he was going to maneuver a boat. stupid stupid stupid

Rem started to hug her sister out of fear her love would be hurt by whatever could kill them

Ram simply hugged her dear sister back and softly whispered to her self Dammit Barasu you better not die

Subaru began to push the boat into the water making a loud schreeing sound echoing out miles on end casuing him to speed up and out their bags on the little boat

Subaru picked up both kids and put them on the boat then went on himself and began to row...and row and row and row

Then it all went black and a text appeared on screen

                           5 YEARS EARLIER
WOOOOOOO 1148 words in a day I know that might sounf bad but for a school day it's alright anyway hope y'all enjoy this chapter

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