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Enid stood nervously shuffling her feet on the hard concrete in the cold frosty air while at the same time managing to give off a constant expression of pure fear.

The shuffling stopped being quite so shuffling once Wednesday took her hand in hers. It was a nice hand, a little bony, a little veins, and an absolute dream to stare at for hours on end.

Though the real reason for the nervousness currently inhabiting every part of her body was the long, sleek, black limo currently pulling up through Nevermoores gates. It wasn't even the limo that worried her, it was the people currently occupying the limo.

You see, today was a very special day, today, Enid was going to meet Wednesdays family. She wasn't sure which family members but at the very least she would be seeing Wednesdays mum. After precise questioning -Wednesday could be tricky when she wanted to be- she'd been informed that her best friends? girlfriend? Soon to be girlfriends? Crushes Mom's name was Morticia. Which became less and less surprising the longer she knew Wednesday, if she was anything to go off of, that family had a flair for the dramatic. At the very least they leaned strongly in the direction of slightly sinister.

Gripping Wednesdays hand in hers even tighter Enid cautiously leaned on her shoulder, putting her full weight on it when no resistance presented itself. The lean may or may not have been a full bodied slump but that wasn't anybodies business.

As the limo drew closer Wednesday whispered into her ear "My family can be a bit much, but they are essentially good people."

Even though the admission seemed somewhat forced Enid still gave her a nod of understanding.

Brakes slowed the vehicle down with nary a squeal or squeak of protest. It really was a beautiful vehicle. Especially if it took bumpy roads this easily. But who was Enid to judge on automechanics?

Once it had come to a full stop and Enids hand was almost done crushing Wednesdays poor now probably tender hand the door opened and an elegant woman emerged.

Her sharp eyes took in Wednesday, Enid, and then their clasped hands. Lips ticking upwards she moved towards them with what seemed like an ethereal grace. Once she'd reached them she introduced herself saying with a confidence Enid herself would never have "Greetings, I am Morticia Addams, wife to Gomez Addmas and Wednesdays mother" reaching a hand out and giving Enid what could be interpreted as a smile "You may call me Mum"

Shocked Enid just stood there gaping at the woman before realizing how rude she was being and giving her what she hoped was an easy smile as she gingerly took Morticias hand in her own "It's wonderful to finally meet you" hesitantly tacking on a rushed "Mum"

Morticias eyes twinkled with what could only be mischief and what Enid hoped was approval as she nodded graciously at Enid before turning to her daughter and smoothly saying "Wednesday, why didn't you ever tell me about this nice girl?"

"Why are you here" was Wednesdays sharp reply.

Enid was not standing for it, this lovely lady had weaseled her way into Enids heart in less than two seconds and a sentence, Wednesday had gotten this wonderful woman for seventeen years and was treating her visit like an inconvenience. There was absolutely no standing for this, especially after seeing some of the light fade out of Morticias eyes.

She certainly couldn't make Wednesday acknowledge her mother but she could make her displeasure known, so slipping her slightly clammy hand out of Wednesdays and beaming up at Morticia Enid said "Excuse me for interrupting but I would love to show you around and get to know you better" now that both women were staring down at her any confidence she'd had was dwindling by the moment and she could feel herself start to twitch out of nerves.

Enid's New DressWhere stories live. Discover now