Chapter 1

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Growing up I was always told I was my mother's twin, looking exactly like her from the day I was born to how I was now

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Growing up I was always told I was my mother's twin, looking exactly like her from the day I was born to how I was now

Sadly I wouldn't know how I would look when I was old as my mother passed, she was shot while pregnant with me and they could only save me

My grandparents always viewed me as the reincarnation of my mother and they thought the same thing that happened to my mother would happen to me, so my grandparents and my father made the decision that they would hide me from the world as my mother was well known and kept me a hidden the world only knowing that she had a daughter

I am now 18 and I wanted to experience one year in highschool, I wanted to make friends, I wanted a boyfriend I just wanted to do normal teenage things

I don't think the same thing that happened to my mom would happen to me, In fact I knew I was going to live long and healthy while following somewhat in footsteps

" Papa please just let me go I don't want to be locked away anymore " I said tears welling in my eyes

" Xiomara if you could understand why your grandparents and I made this decision my dear"

" I won't die I have my own destiny and future I won't end up like my mom and you know this!" I yelled

" XIOMARA ITS FINAL!" My Papa yelled

" I hate it here, I wish I died with mama" I said tears falling down my face and I stormed to my room

My grandparents, my mother and my father experienced childhood, teenage years and adulthood, they met the love of theirs lives and it's only fair I do too

They won't be around forever and I don't want to be and die lonely my mother wouldn't want that for me

" Lopez it may be time for her to enter the real world she hasn't experienced anything" my Nana said

" We know the dangers of this world and I don't want anything to happen to her, she reminds me so much of Selina"

" And we understand but she is getting older not younger, she's going to want to find love and make friends" my grandpa said

My father sighed

Quickly walking away to my room I locked the door jumping in my bed smiling

My door opened and my my dipped

" Xiomara" my father said

" Mmm" I hummed in response

" Your grandparents and I made a very tough decision" he said sighed heavily

" We decided that you will be going to school and start to experience the real world"

I sat up putting on a fake shocked look

" Really?"

He nodded

I hugged him and he hugged me back kissing my forehead

" I love you daddy"

" I love you too mi amore, you wills always be my baby girl" he said and I smiled

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