Chapter 43 {Edited}

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Leona entered the bedroom where Clary and Simon were causing the two friends to look at her. The brunette let out a deep sigh, the exhaustion of the day creeping up on her.

"Have you heard anything?" Clary asked Leona before stopping as she saw Alec walk in from behind her.

Leona gave Alec a small smile, the man returning it slightly before dropping it in turn for his normal deadpanned expression.

"Alec, did you find Hodge?" Clary directed her question to him instead.

"Yeah, but Valentine has the Cup," Alec said with a sigh causing Leona to look at him in shock.

"What?" Leona said in shock as Clary looked at Simon. "We're too late."

"Where's Jace? Is he okay?" Clary asked Alec.

Leona frowned in confusion suddenly noticing that the blonde wasn't with Alec. When the Lightwood didn't answer Leona spoke up.

"Alec, where is he?" Leona asked hesitantly, knowing what his answer might be.

Alec turned to look at her for a moment, already knowing what Leona was thinking so he nodded.

"He went after Valentine by himself," Alec announced. "It's like he's totally lost it. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen."

Leona let out a sigh as she ran her hand through her hair.

"We need to find him," Clary said worriedly. "He's in a dark place. We don't know what he's gonna do." Leona nodded in agreement and was about to follow the redhead out of the room before Alec grabbed both girls' arms, stopping them in place.

"Luke is out looking for him. Jace wants us to stay on mission." Alec looked at Simon. "That means we have to find the book," Alec told the girls, glancing at Leona who nodded understandably before settling down.

Seeing that Clary needed more convincing Simon spoke up.

"He's right. We have to wake up your mom." Simon told Clary walking next to her.

Clary took a moment to look at Simon before glancing at Leona, noticing that the girl had stopped moving. Leona nodded at her.

"Bigger picture Clare," Leona told the redhead, knowing she needed to put her emotions aside for now.

"It's our only way to stop Valentine," Clary recalled with a sigh.

Their conversation came to a stop as Camille walked in with a paper in her hand. "Ready to sign?"

Simon looked at the vampire before speaking, "Take us to the apartment, give us the book, then you can have your pardon."

Camille looked at the Shadowhunters in annoyance causing Leona to smile at her bitingly.

Camille copied Leona's smile, directing it at Simon. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Let's get moving," Alec said expressionless as he walked out of the room, pulling Leona with him. The Shadowhunter looked at him in surprise but followed without any argument.


Leona let out a noise of annoyance as they all squeezed into a small elevator that led to Camille's apartment. From beside her, Simon grinned trying to lighten the mood.

"I thought the underground parking was nice." Simon nodded causing Leona to shake her head at the vampire.

The doors quickly opened, and the group followed Camille as she guided them into what looked to be her study.

Leona stood eyes wide as she glanced around the room. There were antique paintings, portraits of Camille, and a variety of books upon books with many shelves.

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