Finale : Sleepover

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It was a sunny morning at Velvet and Veneer's house when suddenly Veneer had a idea. "Velvet! Since we barely have anyone over I had a idea.." Veneer said clasping his hands together. "How about we have a... Sleepover!" Veneer suggested while having a big grin on his face. "Look Veneer, you already know what happened last time. When we were still living at our parents house we had a sleepover with our friends but then it turned out to be a huge disaster because they kept turning loud music on and breaking everything!" Velvet replied, grumbling in frustration. "Plus even if we did have one we would have to make sure they don't go insane and bring alcohol over."

"Come on Vels! That incident occurred 6 years ago, it wouldn't hurt if we had one now! We're teenagers about to become grown ups soon." Veneer responded trying to persuade Velvet to give in. "Ughhhhh... fine we can have a sleepover so you can stop bugging me." Velvet groaned walking over to the kitchen and pouring a cup of water. "YAY!! THANKS VELVET YOUR THE BEST!!" Veneer said running over to hug Velvet. "Yeah yeah whatever... Just leave me alone." Velvet said nonchalantly while walking over to the living room and turning on the TV. Veneer quickly got his phone out and started dialing his friends.


"Hello who's this..?" Someone on the other line said sounding miserable. "Rachel! Hi it's me Veneer and I was just asking if you and Echo could come over for a sleepover!" Veneer responded while yawning. "A sleepover? Sure I'll come by in a few hours with Echo we're gonna pack up first!" Rachel excitedly replied while hanging up. "5 more people to go.." Veneer sighed while dialing Ritz's number.

TIME SKIP... (Because I'm not doing allat 😭🙏)

As Veneer and Velvet were relaxing on the couch watching their favorite horror movie there was suddenly a ring at the door. "It must be them!" Veneer exclaimed jumping up to his feet to open the door. "Hey guys!" Rachel said waving while having Echo, Orchid, and Ritz by her side. "I'm so glad you guys are here! Come in!" Veneer replied letting them pass by while going up to Ritz to kiss him. "I missed you so much!!" Veneer blurted out while giving him a few kisses on the cheek. "I missed you to Ven." Ritz responded hugging Veneer. "Hey Vels!" Orchid exclaimed pulling in Velvet for a tight hug. "Hey Orchid!!" Velvet replied giving Orchid a kiss on the forehead. "Ok enough with the lovey doveyness and let's play a game that I thought would be fun! I got it from a sketchy store but whatever, it's called the ouija board!" Veneer said in a huge grin.

"What the fuck Veneer where did you get that from!? That shit is haunted!" Velvet panicked with her eyes widened. "Pftt... whatever that's what makes it more fun! What are you a scaredy cat?" Veneer responded putting it on the ground and sitting down. "Whatever, but if we all get killed we're all blaming it on you." Velvet scoffed sitting down also motioning Orchid to. When they all sat down in a circle they turned off the lights to make it more spookier I guess. "Alright now.... Whatever spirits there are... who's gonna die tonight!" Veneer questioned with a teasing smile. Soon the board piece moved to the letter V then E then seconds later to the letter N, E,E,R. "WHAT!!" Veneer yelled getting scared shitless backing up to snuggle with Ritz. Velvet started chuckling minutes after Veneer realized she was the one who was moving it. "VELVET THATS NOT FUNNY!" Veneer screamed with a frown. "To bad" Velvet replied snickering with Orchid and Kid Ritz. "Ugh I seriously need a break from all this nonsense... I'll go get some popcorn for the movie." Veneer responded getting up slowly before walking away. "I'll go check up on Ven. You guys can have some fun while we're gone." Ritz said walking away to the kitchen.

"Sounds good!" Rachel answered holding hands with Echo. "How about we do another game while they're gone! Like... 7 minutes in heaven..?" Echo suggested while chuckling. "That sounds fun, how do you play?" Velvet asked with a brow raised. "I'll explain it but you promise you won't be traumatized alright." Echo spoke with a mischievous grin growing on her face.


"Actually I think I'll pass.." Velvet said backing away from the circle. "Boo!! Your no fun." Rachel snickered with a sarcastic tone. "Fine fine! As long as Orchid agrees I'm in." "It looks interesting in my perspective so I'll join in!" Orchid answered with a grin. "Hey guys I'm back with popcorn! Uhm where's Orchid and Velvet?.." Veneer questioned with bowls of popcorn with Ritz on the side of him. "We're playing a game called 7 minutes of heaven, if you want you could join in to." Rachel said with a teasing smile. "Well.. I have nothing better to do so me and Ritz are in!"

"I never agreed to this.."

"Well to bad Ritz! Let's go!"

After Orchid and Velvet were done they came out from one of the closets looking like they were just mauled by a bear. Orchid had a messy down with scratches on her back while Velvet on the other hand had fainted kiss marks on her face with a bruise on her neck and messy hair. "Pfft!!  were you guys getting attacked by a grizzly bear or something? Why do you guys look like your about to ascend to heaven?!" Veneer laughed while having his arm draped over Ritz's shoulder. "Shut up Veneer before I get one of the spirits from the ouija board to murder you at night."

"Okay geez! Looks like someone woke on the wrong side of bed today.." Veneer teased with a joking tone. "Anyways which movie do y'all wanna watch? We can watch Barbie, Oppenheimer, and other stuff that I really don't care about."

"Ooo can we watch Barbie! I've been dying to see that movie plus my favorite actor Margot Robbie plays in there!" Rachel answered with a raised hand.

"Okay how about we take a vote. Raise your left hand if you want to watch Barbie and raise your right hand if you want to watch Oppenheimer!"

Slowly everyone raised their left hand except for Velvet who seemed to wanting to watch Oppenheimer. "Really Velvet?" Orchid said with a neutral expression. "What? We always watch kid type of movies... Let's try something new!" Velvet replied.

"Okay fine... looks like we're watching Oppenheimer then."

"Really Vels!" Everybody said except for Veneer. Veneer then played the movie before eating popcorn with Ritz. Several hours passed and everyone eventually dozed off to sleep. Velvet was laying on Orchids chest while Ritz and Veneer were cuddling. Then there was Echo and Rachel who were snuggling also. This day was the best day EVER!

I Hope you guys enjoyed this series! I'm sad that I'm discontinuing this series but unfortunately it had to come to an end

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I Hope you guys enjoyed this series! I'm sad that I'm discontinuing this series but unfortunately it had to come to an end. I appreciate all the love and I'll be making new series! I love you all Mwa!!! Xx 💕

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