Chapter 2: Oarai Girls' Academy

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A few days later~

Ilya, along with his crew, are waiting in an airport. They were surrounded by the people who were taking pictures and such. But among the crowds you could see Sasha, along with her crew of the T-34-85 who are waving goodbye to them.

Illya who saw her, he kept a smile and waves at her back while. While the nieces of Sasha, who also waved at them back and they felt their meeting was short but nonetheless they were smiling as it was just a momentarily farewell. 

“Senior Vasilyev! We will never forget your kindness!” The students of the Kursk University gave their farewell as they admired Illya who is a professional Sensha-do but due to some restriction he wasn't able to participate in any Pro league or even the world tournament. But nonetheless this is the start of his journey, and a journey that would change Sensha-do.

The New Golden Age of Sensha-Do is approaching before them.

Sasha is being left behind due to her taking care of the students first before she can follow them to Japan at Oarai Academy.

T-44 and the IS-3 are at the airport where a massive airplane was descending from the skies. It was the private plane of Vasilyev.

“Is that!?” Sofia was shocked.

Polina was agape in awe.

While Anastasia smiled and also excitement could be seen from her face, the private plane that was descending was none other than a Antonov An-124 Ruslan. 

“Antonov An-124 Ruslan!” Sofia began to geek out about the plane, while Polina who is trying to calm Sofia down which she almost can't due to her excitement.

Ilya, who saw the sisters as very amusing, quickly became fond of them. Since they all share the similar trait of Sasha but all of them are distributed into another person. 

“So Komandir Vasilyev, which one are we going to use first?” Anastasia pondered about the first tank on which they would choose first.

“If we want a fair match for the time being, we're gonna use the T-44 for the time being. If we did progress into the tournament, we might bring out some upgrades for the T-44, pick one that suits the three of you the most, T-44-100 or the 122. Either way I'm okay with the two, the only problem would be the 122 since we would change the layout of the tank due to the size of the Gun, but for the 100 only some minor adjustment that will take.” He then took some lollipop from his pocket which he offered Anastasia. 

She accepts the offer and grabs the lollipop.

“Then we improve it with the 100.” Anastasia decided to go for the 100mm since she thought the IS-3 is enough for the D-25T 122mm. 

“Which 100mm gun are we going to use? The LB-1 or the D-10T?” Sofia asked with curiosity as she was delighted to hear that their tanks are about to be upgraded later if they advance into the tournament.

“Depends whichever you guys like, for me commanding each tank has their own use so varying from time to time is fun for me.” Ilya added that his sparks for Sensha-do are still strong.

The crew of Ilya are all smiling, and even laughing as all of them have the same perspective of sensha-do, this was their dream to do Sensha-do and they won't abandon it no matter what.

As the Antonov An-124 Ruslan descended into the airstrip, the front of the plane began to open, which revealed a massive and empty space where they could store their vehicles inside without a problem, as the plane could carry 150 tons, as T-44 only weighs about 32 tons while the IS-3 is about 46.5 Tons.

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