Smoothie on the Ceiling

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An enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders and neck. I don't know what is going to happen next, but I recall a night just a few short weeks ago that Shania told me she would love me no matter what. After taking a moment to explain that I'm not from another planet, just another animal kingdom, Shania was orange with despair. "How could you hide this from me?" She asked. "I didn't  plan on all of this. I didn't plan on loving you like I do." I responded. A smile brushed across her face, then left her lips sooner than it arrived. "That doesn't matter Brandon, I could have loved you for who you are, but now I see that you're actually not very attractive. Like seriously, I've never seen such a strange looking person." She complained. "I'm a giraffe." I stated again. She began to pack her things. "Wait, Shania!" I went on. "I have one more thing to tell you."

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