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As i stepped off the plane, I was excited to finally spend the day with my husband as I felt we had been drifting apart lately. Maybe due to my work schedule and how much I travelled so I asked my boss if I could start working from home and once in a while come into the office. As i hoped, i would have enough time to mend my marriage, as i would be less busy not knowing what i was about to see.
    would lead to the end of my marriage As i entered my car so excited to tell him the good news and to suprise him not knowing there was a suprise waiting for me too, as I walked into my apartment building then further into my house ready to suprise xavier with the good news I heard noises from our room assuming he was just watching porn as we had not had any form of sex or intimacy in months due to my busy schedule as quietly as possible i walked towards our bedroom ready to suprise him. As I reached the door about to open it, not knowing what I was about to see would shatter my whole world.
     quietly as i could i opened the door there on my bed I saw my husband xavier holding my bestfriend the girl i considered my sister in arms fucking her shocked, angry, and the raw pain I felt that the two most important people in my life could do this to me as quietly as I could I closed the door and left back out the house got back in my car and just started driving my mind moving a thousand hours per second not knowing what emotion I was feeling I just wanted to break down and cry, everything I thought I knew had just been shattered the two people I called my soul mates had just ruined my life and my marriage now all I wanted was them to pay for all the pain and sorrow they have caused me.
     Then it just clicked how am I ment to tell Rome that the two most trusted people in our lives had just betrayed us would he even believe me he always looks like he couldn't stand my presence and plus xavier had told me on many occasions how Rome had said I was boring and talked to much what should I do, should I even tell him, but he deserves to know even if he calls me a liar atleast I have told him the truth how didn't I see the signs the constant hugs always on the phone about work was I that blind to the reality of my fucked up marriage as I looked outside I realised I was on my way back to the airport so I continued to drive with the faint sound of my playlist in the background thinking of how I have waisted the last 4 years plus on a man who I thought loved me and who I loved just to end up this hurt.
       As I got back to the airport I parked my car and went back towards my terminal where I called xavier hey darling I said as he picked up the call feeling the bile and tears rise in my throat as the memories of what i had just seen came rushing back, trying to push down the bile and tears back not wanting him to think anything was wrong I mustered all the courage i had and did my best to sound excited as I shouted suprise am at the airport can you please come and pick me up my car isn't working, giggling in my head as I could hear the utter panick in his voice as he said yes babe most likely trying to get his clothes on as I could hear the rustling of fabric.
      Laughing quietly as he said he would be there in 45 minutes so I sat and waited after hanging up the phone trying to push the tears, back for my revenge to work he can not find out I know that he is cheating I have to act like myself so I sat and waited and finally he arrived as I saw him the only thought in my head was destroy him the same way he destroyed and make him question his reason for living and with those thoughts i drew my strength from there as I ran to him with the fakest smile i could muster on my face as I jumped on him smelling her perfume and noticing the hickie on his neck was I that blind or was I just choosing to ignore the signs. why would he do this to me after all the love and care I had shown this man just for him to ruin me this way was disgusting I hope after I get my revenge he burns in hell where he belongs then I heard the clicking of hells after he had dropped me down I looked behind him and saw her my bestfriend wanting to irritate her I grabbed xaviers face and kissed him as I felt him kiss back clearly shocked at first all I wanted to do was push him away and punch the fuck out of his face maybe knock a few teeth lose and scream at him till my heart content but seeing the expression on her face made every last minute of that disgusting kiss worth it.
         After I pushed him away as gently as i could without seeming disgusted I ran to her and hugged her, after the hug I asked why they were together as the pure fear and shock that I had asked them that question showed on their faces, as I had never asked them any questioned them before as they had never giving me a reason until now of course  they both rushed to answer me the claimed to have been working on a project together when I called so they decided to come together cause she missed me smiled again and said ok
       we finally started walking to the car as we reached the car I got in the back claiming to wanting to stretch out my legs ,not wanting to be near any of them as I felt I would throw up and bust out crying If I had to look at them in the eyes, as we drove down the moon lit street falling asleep to the soft moises of the rain hitting the car and the radio in the background making a promise to myself to punish them for all their sins.

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