vi. reckless driving

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dear wes,

i kissed him. it was weird and i almost tried taking it back, but it was...different. i don't know if i liked it or not.

it wasn't like with you. with you, everything was easy and natural. with him, i feel like i'm going a hundred miles per hour on a road i can't see. i feel like any minute now, we'll crash into a tree.

i don't want that to happen. i think i really do care about him. a lot. i can't tell, since i thought that you and i cared about each other, wes, and look how that ended up.

i'm so scared. is this love? i don't even know if what i felt with you was love. i don't think i would know love if it stared me in the face. because, if we loved each other, how did it fall apart so easily?

i don't want the same thing to happen to me and him. he's diving headfirst without a second thought or a regret, while i'm overthinking everything. and it's your fault.

how, you may ask?

if you didn't kill me the way you did, ripping my world out from underneath me, maybe i wouldn't be so paranoid. maybe i wouldn't feel the need to second guess every move i make. so thanks for that.

i wish i could hate you.



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