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"Wow!" Madiha gasped as the bellboy opened the door

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"Wow!" Madiha gasped as the bellboy opened the door. The interior of the resort in the heart of Mahe, Seychelles was absolutely gorgeous. Crossing the living room, she opened the glass door that led to an outdoor, private swimming pool overlooking the gigantic, blue ocean.

Zafar extracted a handful of bills from his wallet and handed them to the bellboy who had transported their belongings indoors. Expressing his gratitude, the bellboy departed, leaving Zafar to redirect his attention towards his beloved wife. Her dark hair was flowing freely in every direction. Clad in a white dress, she looked like an angelic figure in Zafar's adoring eyes. The breathtaking backdrop of the island looked beautiful to him solely because Madiha graced its presence.

He reached her and slipped his one arm around her small waist, holding her from behind. Her hair strands slapped his face, but he didn't mind it.

"Do you like it?" He asked, pressing his nose closer to her.

She rubbed herself on his chest. "Mm hmm! Love it."

Then she turned around to face him. "When can we go out to see the city?"

"Whenever you want, baby." He drank every bit of her face through his eyes. "Whatever you want."

An hour later, they were seated at a cozy restaurant. Zafar ordered for both of them because Madiha was too occupied checking out her surroundings.

"Can you go to that beach after this?" She pointed outside.

He looked in that direction before turning to his wife. "Did I not tell you already that we'll do everything you want to do? Stop asking for things from me. Take them. Because they are already yours." He took a deep breath. "Including me."

She let out a shaky breath. Was that a confession? They couldn't talk anymore because the waiter served them food.

After eating, Zafar settled the bill and they walked to the beach hand in hand. He asked her if she wanted to get in the water, but she denied, not wanting to ruin her dress. So they just sat quietly on the sand, cuddling each other. They watched the sun go down the horizon while sharing kisses every once in a while.

At night, when they came back to their resort, Zafar picked her up in bridal style and took her to the bed. And then, for the first time, they had plain, basic, missionary-style sex. Not that she was complaining. She loved the thrill of get fucked by him raw, getting punished, getting dominated. But tonight, with his body pressed against hers, their eyes connected as he went in and out of her in painfully slow but hard thrusts, had her shivering while coming.

As he slumped on top of her as the last spray of semen spurted out of his dick, they both took some time to catch their breaths. And it was then she realized that she just experienced love-making for the first time. And it sent butterflies down her stomach.

The next few days were spent with them spending their afternoons on the beach, evenings shopping and nights having amazing sex.

It was their seventh day there. They were in a local market, shopping for souvenirs. Zafar received a call from Rudra, but there was no network inside the shop.

"Madiha," Zafar called out, "I am outside the store, taking a call. Stay inside till I come back."

Madiha, who was too lost looking at the jewelry pieces, hummed back without really listening to what he had said.

Zafar stepped out. The call lasted about ten minutes before he went back in. But his heart dropped when he scanned the entire shop and didn't find his wife.

"Sir, where is the woman who was shopping here?" He asked the shopkeeper, trying really hard to not lose his calm.

"She didn't like anything, so she left." The shopkeeper replied.

Left? How could she have left when he was standing right outside the store?


"That side," The shopkeeper pointed towards a small back door. "She wanted to look for more options, so I told her that that lane is filled with jewelry pieces."

Zafar shut his eyes to control his breathing. He then pulled out his phone and dialed her number. When the ringtone of her phone rang near him, he realized that along with the shopping bags, he was also holding his purse in his hand. And her phone was in the purse.

He let out a curse before rushing towards the door from where she had apparently left. As he frantically looked around the crowded market, he could feel oxygen lessening around him. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't inhale enough air.

"Zafar!" The voice froze him in his place. He looked up and found his wife. His troubled eyes clashed against her fearful ones. She wasted no time in running into his arms, which he had kept open for her. Her smell enveloped her, and he could breathe again.

"Why did you leave me?" She asked as a sob broke through her mouth. "I was so scared."

"I am sorry." He rubbed his palms on her back. "I am so sorry, Dia."

She sniffled a bit more while he kept apologizing, trying to calm her down, and himself.

When she looked up at him finally, her nose was red and her cheeks were wet from tears. He wiped them and kissed her softly.

For a while, he had been aware of her growing importance in his life, but only now did he truly grasp the extent of it. If losing her in a crowded place for five minutes can make his lungs dysfunction, he didn't even want to know what would it do to him to live a life without her in it.

And so, he promised himself to never let her go. It didn't matter what he would have to do for it. Because nothing would be ever worth losing her.


My exams will kill me.

Don't expect an update tomorrow as well. Day after, maybe!

Leave me some good comments to read after I am done with shit papers.

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