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saturday night's alright (for fighting) // elton john


"God, I feel revolting." Ivy groans, placing her hands on her stomach. Her usually pale face holds a tone of green as she collapses in an empty booth. "Will you grab me some water, Sax? I need a little break."

"Of course." I smile, grabbing a glass and filling it with ice and water. I hand it over, and place my hand to her forehead. "Fucking hell, Ivy, you're burning up."

"Just give me half an hour and I'll be alright." She attempts to reassure me. Her chest is violently moving at a quick pace.

"Look Alex is here tonight too. Why don't you take off? We'll manage." I run my hand through her hair. "You need to rest."

She groans and lays her head off the back of the booth seat. "You sure?"

"I am." I nod.

She sits up and lays her head against my chest. "Okay. Thanks, Sax."

"It's okay." I look over my shoulder at Alex to see he's frantically running around serving, whilst giving me a harsh stare. "I better go help Alex and clear the queue." I chuckle, stepping away as she sluggishly steps down from the booth. I walk back into the bar area. "Who's next?"

A man steps forward, shaking his bank card at me. "A bottle of Peroni, please." He shouts over the loud chatting at the bar.

I quickly grab his bottle and cash him through. "Thanks. Who's—" I break off as I make eye contact with Domenico who walks behind the customer I'm serving, clearly walking to the back to his office. I snatch my eyes away and look back at the customer. "Sorry, love. What you after?"

"An English Garden please." She smiles.

"Great choice." I respond, getting the ingredients together. I was relived to hear that Domenico wasn't in when I turned up to work. I was hoping not to see him until our argument settled but clearly that wouldn't be the case. I pass the cocktail over the bar and grin. "Eighteen fifty, please." I nod, typing the amount into the card machine and placing it down in front of her.

"Thanks." She smiles, tapping her card on and walking away.

I head to the till to cash her through and Alex steps beside me. "Where did Ivy go?"

"She's poorly. I told her to go home."

"Oh, and you're the boss, are you?" He says in a quite bitchy tone.

"No, but she's the head bartender so if she agrees then she can." I shrug, pulling a face at him. "We only have a few hours left. It's doable." I nod, opening the till to place in the card machine receipt. I notice the wads of fivers, tenners, and twenties and clear out the drawer.

"I'll drop that by the office." Alex says, grabbing the cash and disappearing behind the bar.

We clearly don't see eye to eye but we're civil and that's what's important.

Alex returns and we begin to do bits of cleaning to make the last hour when we finish easier. I grab each empty glass and fill the caddy, then filling the dishwasher and clearing down the sides. As four o'clock reaches, the final people have left.

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