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Kuea walked out of the mall closely followed back with the stranger and his friends. As they arrived at the parking lot the Stranger held his hand.

Stranger: how did that fill

Kuea: good real good ( smiling at the stranger) thanks for the push

Stranger: don't stress it
The stranger to kuea," don't break down infront of them instead control the conversation,remember you have the power to control how much of this can affect you

End of flashback
Diao: kuea! Are you okay
Kuea:( hugging Diao) never been better
Syn:( approaching the two friends) aham..kuea ( looking down) were sorry,this all started because of us,we should not have meddle in your business

Nuchy:( almost tearing up) kuea am sorry it was my fault,I saw the video,your reaction and after seeing that kid I couldn't help it,I got really angry( taking kuea's hand to hers) but that doesn't mean I would do it again

Syn: Nuchy! We're here to apologize not to continue firing the situation
Nutchy:( holding kuea's face ) I know but kuea your my best friend and I would do anything it takes to protect you,just as you proved that your capable of protecting sir Lian after all this.thats not just courage but also love and strength but most importantly that's friendship( smiling) you know if you would like you can cry
Pod: and then after we can all go for barbeque ( all turn to look at him) what! barbeque solves everything

Kuea: ha! His right , barbeque sound like a good idea and also I know you guys always mean well for me but I would hate people to hate, criticize and misunderstand you cause of me so please( holding his friends hands ) don't do that again
Pod: barbeque here we come
All: laughing
Diao: uhm kuea who's this(pointing at the stranger)
Stranger: oh sorry for that but you can call me Tutor,nice to meet you all
Nuea: (to kuea) do you guys now each other
Kuea: just met but we're friends(smiling at the stranger)oh you can join us for the barbeque,it would be my pleasure
Tutor: sorry I still need to meet an old friend but next time I surely would.see you around kuea and remember what I told you( ruffling his hair)
Kuea: I would

With that Tutor left the group and went back to the mall when the rest started to
Kuea: jelly you coming
Diao: ya let's go

Lian's pov
As I left the office with Yi and Foei I was not sure of what to expect but my mind was a complete mess and I suddenly felt uneasy.
Entering the mall I was welcomed by a group of people surrounding a group of boys and as I got close I could see sky and kuea?,were they hugging?and for some reason the scene in front of me kind of annoyed me frankly that's my man hugging someone else.well sky is technically my son in future but for know his just another man in the hands of my man and that makes me fill uncomfortable.well let's get out of my head,I ran into the crowd and pulled sky from kuea's embrace,to jealous of me but as I started checking on sky I could see the hurt in kuea's eyes before his friends started talking and with that the crowd around as started murmuring.some would mention that kuea and I were in a fake relationship others kept on saying that I was only with him for his money and inheritance.i kind of knew that things will so south but what I didn't expect was the thinks that kuea explained to the crowd,not only was he prudent to his words but he also did it in  a manner that rendered the crowd speechless but what the heck is he doing with kuea

Stranger:long time no see Lian,I almost forgot how you looked,but it's nice to see you're still clueless and a pain in the ass as always
Lian:Tutor! To what do I own the pleasure of seeing you (pissed)
Tutor: can't an old aquientance,come to great onces self,and I have to say dear kuea is a pressures thing huh
Lian:(fuming with rage) I suggest that you stay within your Laine and out of my private matter
Tutor:(coming to close to lian's face) private? With what I just saw here there is nothing private about the whole situation my dear
                                                                           With such an unpleasant get-together experience Lian and his college ex had it was finally time for him to go back home with sky. The whole ride home was to occured that even his ever chatty assistant was quite and just stealing glanced of him from the review mirror from time to time. The duo arrived in the house accompanied by Yi in his car and let's just say just like the rest he was vissibly pissed and let's just say  I kind of got why

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