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"A hotel? Surely this isn't the secret surprise trip you have planned, right?" I step out of Damon's car, that he sloppily parked on the curb, and follow in suit behind him. "Where even are we?"

"Just a pit stop. Don't worry, the real fun is just a few states over." Damon shields his phone from the sliver of sun that was peaking behind the skyline, typing something and quickly slipping it back into his front jean pocket. "You must've missed the huge 'Welcome to New York' sign. We're in Time Square."

"Yeah, I can definitely tell." I spin in a circle, admiring the tall buildings and busy city people ending off their days. If I could, I'd live in a big city like this forever. "Sooo," I drag out. "are we getting food before we head in?"

"Depends on what you want. What are you hungry for?" He raises a bow. "Or who, I should say."

Lately, Damon seems to be oddly compliant with my warnings to leave my flipped humanity switch alone. He also seems to be fine with my recent change in eating habits. Then again, he was the one who wanted me to drink straight from the vein to begin with, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. He still could be up to something, so I better not get too comfortable.

I take another look around my surroundings, this time searching for my next meal. My eyes land on a dark haired man. He was older, maybe in his early 30s. He was wearing a suit and in his hands, he held a phone against his cheek— the other, a briefcase. "He's cute." I decide, nodding my head towards the man. Before I could start the walk behind him, Damon grabs my arm, stopping me in place.

"He's also on the phone and could get in our way. Pick someone else." I couldn't help but notice the twinge of jealousy in his voice (it could've been anger or annoyance for all I knew). I watch as his eyes flick through the crowd, searching for a different taste profile.

"Why? I'll just compel him to end his phone call before I eat him. He looks tasty. Just got to find him—" I bit my lower lip, searching for the man in the bustling crowd passing us by. I sigh, defeated. "and he's gone. Damn."

"Here," Damon offers, popping open the trunk of blue 1969 Chevy Camaro. "I brought us something to snack on, just incase." He pulls out a small duffel bag and drops it in my arms.

"Good." I hug the duffel against my chest. My eyes trail up to the top of the hotel building. "Seems fancy."

"Mhm, one of the best in the area. Wait until you see the inside. I got us the Junior Suite."

"Whatever that means. Here," Tired of holding the duffel, I shoulder check Damon with it. He gives me a look before reluctantly taking it. "Let me guess, they only had suites with a single bed, so we have to share one." I grin, walking through the entrance, Damon trailing right behind me.

He steps in front of me once we walk through the revolving doors. "Yes and no. You'll see."

I narrow my eyes at him. "What does that mean?"

He turns to face me, smirking. "The anticipation must be killing you, huh? Guess you'll have to wait and see."

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

I roll my eyes in response, taking the time to get a good look at my surroundings. The lobby was too large in my opinion, but this hotel seems to be very reputable, so I suppose they needed the space to keep up with the influx of people.

Mind Reader | Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now