Surprise baby shower/Engagement

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June 10, 2014(Niall is 9 months pregnant now 40 weeks)

Zayn's pov

Only a couple weeks left before our baby girl is here Niall is 40 weeks and struggling like crazy his back has been hurting like crazy but we're super excited

Niall and I got a restraining order against Liam we didn't want to have to do that but he's pushed us too far "Z!!!!" I heard Niall calling he was upstairs sleeping but I guess he's awake now I ran upstairs to our room he looked like he'd been crying "What's wrong babe?" I asked him "My back hurts again and my feet are killing me plus I'm super moody" he said aww my poor baby "I'll give you a massage" I said walking over to him I helped him sit up before I rubbed my hands on his back

I grabbed the massage oil rubbing his back "baby you're stressed that's why I'm putting you on bed rest we don't need to worry about Liam anymore just us and Savannah aren't you excited in just a couple weeks she'll be here with us" I told him once I finished his back

I went to edge of our bed "baby your cute little feet and ankles are swollen" I said he looked bored "Duh I'm near the end of my pregnancy smart ass!!" he yelled like he was mad at me but I know he wasn't "you're so cute when you're mad I love you so much" I said kissing his feet "ewww zayn stop that's weird" he said I kissed them again massaging them I stopped because I got a phone call it was my mom

Momma: Hi my sonshine I'm calling to see what time you're gonna be here for the party
I went downstairs so Niall wouldn't hear my conversation

Me: Ok mom let's say 4:30 he's so excited and can't wait for Savannah but he doesn't know anything about the baby shower or the engagement he thinks that we're going to the movies

Momma: Aww I remember the first time you came out to your father and I then you told Doniya we were all so happy you and Niall have been best friends for so long look at you now 2 almost 3 years with a daughter on the way you and him belong together baby Maura and Bobby would be so proud of you both

Me: I know he's still sad and upset sometimes wishing they were here our little girl won't ever meet them just you and dad
"Z" I heard Niall call me I love him so much

Me: hey mom I gotta go I'll see you soon love you

Momma: Love you too my sonshine

After the phone call with my mom I ran back upstairs to my pregnant soon to be fiancé he doesn't even know "Yes my love" I said "I want cuddles" he said aww my needy little baby I laid in my spot next to him wrapping one arm around him while my other arm was on Niall's belly "you feel that she's kicking she knows you're there she loves her papa" he said looking up at me I smiled I kissed his head "I have a surprise for you soon you're going to love it" I told him smiling "I believe it I've loved everything I'm so glad to have you back baby I just hope you never leave me again no matter what happens between us I wanna marry you" he said I smiled so he wants what I want I kissed him

I smiled, against his lips and kissed back it was only 2:20 the party was at 4:30 so we had plenty of time before we leave for the baby shower and my little surprise engagement I went to shower I decided to let Niall relax "I'll help you when I finish out the shower ok I don't want you to slip and hurt yourself or Savannah I won't be too long" I said kissing him he was apparently occupied by the tv I laughed to myself going to take a shower my baby is so silly

After my shower I walked out Niall was still watching tv "bath time babe" I said picking him up in my arms "Zayn put me down" he laughed "Where are we going anyway?" He asked darn I forgot I can't tell him I had to come up with something "Movies we're seeing the notebook" I lied Niall looked at me confused "I thought you hated that movie?" He said I put him down helping him get out of his clothes and into the tub "I do but if you wanna see it I'll watch it with you baby I'll do anything for you" I kissed his head washing him up like he was my child hey it's practice for when Savannah comes then helped him out the tub. He wrapped his towel around him before walking back into our room while I fixed the bathroom

Savannah Maura Malik(A Ziall love story)Where stories live. Discover now