Dear little Brother.(Mini me.)

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I think its pretensious
When my lil brother
9 year old brother,
is happy to see me.

Like kid what gives,
all I give is hugs
and kisses and
empty promises,
of financial obligations
that I will never meet,
he should
see right through
me, thought
this generation was
smarter than us,
so much for that.

Like I love you
and depise you,
you the reason
we have to share
our fathers love,
and you got the
lions share, like
you gave him a
second chance,
at having the
perfect son, cause
in his eyes I dissapointed
him, without you
lil bro he'd have
to hold on to
the dear lints of
hope that I will
be sewn and knit,
to suit the fashion
of son, of your father
will proudly

To you my lil brother
I'm not perfect, neither
is father, so don't bother
dear brother, live for his
Your life matters
more, by
any means,

I live hand to
mouth not, cause
I'm brown, its
caused by filling
a void, doing
to me what I
wish was done
for me, I only
have 1 real friend,
and he is on some,
shady shadow shift,
the rest of so called
friends are just seducers and users, and-void-in-me,
let them use me
kinda soft, kinda crusty, and toasty, kinda naughty, kinda
not myself.

When will I love
me for me, the
last time I did was
when I got high, got
depressed and
aspired to overdose
and die, no one cry,
then I quit and
reality is insane,
with twist and
hardships, my
passions grown
cold, society says,
sober is good food,
yet this is worse,
this is a curse, lifes
one big mess in
a merciless test,
dear lil brother
don't you dare
Move forward
and build on solid
ground, a clean slate.

Titled: Dear little brother. (Mini me.)
-Black Note.

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