Prologue and chapter 1 I guess

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Ight so first off a few things. UA is a college, the Todoroki, Bakugo, and Yagi family all live in one house. Cause I deadass just find it more convenient for the plot. And lastly the ship is completely undecided so you can vote at the end of the chapter on what you want.


Izuku Yagi never seemed to fit in anywhere. He was distant even before his diagnosis. No matter how much people tried bonding or to connect with him. He always seemed to be somewhere else. Like he didn't belong here.

His Twin sister Kiyomi on the other hand. She got along with everyone. Always seemed happy and never spaced out. She belonged everywhere. She always had somewhere or someone she could go to.

So after Izuku's diagnosis as Quirkless. The bullying soon started. Izuku took a beating after beating. Kiyomi, Katsuki Bakugo, Hikari Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Yuki Todoroki were his main tormenters. When Izuku came home with explosion burn or frostbite or shit just burnt skin. Inko and Toshinori didn't notice. It's not like they'd care in the first place.

After a terrible beating from his sister and her friends in the morning. Izuku wasn't willing to take another one that day. As soon as the bell rang Izuku ran out as fast as he could. Of course his bullies gave chase. They didn't want to let their punching bag get away. Izuku was extremely fast for a 16 year old. But they used their quirks to try and catch up.

(Shit, shit, shit where do I go? The forest?, yea they won't follow me there.) Izuku thought as he turned into the forest. Izuku continued to run until he couldn't hear the slightest sound of them.

But of course God favors themselves with strength. And it began storming pretty lightly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck I need to find shelter fast." Izuku cursed to himself.

He continued running, looking for somewhere to find shelter. Sure under a tree would work. But what if the storm got worse.

"That cave could work. Let's just hope there aren't any bats." Izuku mumbled to himself as he walked into what he thought to be a cave.

As he walked into it he noticed it was more like an underside of a bridge. On the other side Izuku spotted a building.

The building seemed rundown from the outside. Covered in moss and vines. The blank gray walls of the building. The building itself seemed pretty small. That's when he saw the sign

"Freddie Fazbear's Pizza, running since 1993. The current year is 2293. It's been here for 300 hundred years!!!" Izuku yelled in shock.

Izuku didn't understand it. He felt like he was being drawn in. He couldn't explain it. Something was pulling him to the building. As he got closer he got a better look at the building.

It was rundown, Covered in moss and vines, the paint was peeling, the sign seemed to be slightly flashing, the windows were shattered, doors were kicked in. And as he walked into the building. He took in the details. 15 tables lined in columns of five. Party hats were lined on the tables. Rotted and disgusting looking. In front of the tables was a stage.

On the stage stood 3 robots. The middle seemed to be a bear, it was covered in brown fur, held a microphone, a big black nose, the robot was also covered in moss and vines.

To the left of him was a large chicken robot. Yellow fur, a large beak, a plate with a cupcake on it. The moss and vines covered its metal joints.

Standing to the right of the bear was a bunny. The bunny was blue, long ears, held a guitar, moss covered, and even had molding.

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