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Welcome to Ocean City, NJ

"Luke, isn't this house beautiful" Mariana says.

Luke looks at her in longing and says "I know Mari but I'm just so tired, Give me a moment to freshen up then we can look around".

Mariana nods her head her eyes gazing at their new back yard as she imagines bundles of children playing around this grassy field. Her calling the bundles of curly blond hair to eat. That is the life she yearns for.

"Dear, are you okay?" says a voice that wakes up Mariana from her day dream.

"Of course, Love. Just thinking about when our house will be filled." Marina answers. A smile lights up on Luke's face as he nods.

"Lets go take a walk around and meet people" says Luke as he grabs his Fiancée's coat and puts it on her. Mariana gives him a warm grin as he puts on his coat and they walk out the front door hand in hand.


"Do you want to go on the Ferris Wheel dear?" questions, Luke.

Mariana said yes as they started to walk towards the Ferris Wheel.

They both pay the amount of tickets needed and enter the glass chamber. As they ascended Mariana's heart started to beat faster as she started to shake she shuts her eyes.

Luke put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"Breath, Dear" he says "I am with you, we are safe".

Mariana starts to breath in and out slowly.

"Look Dear, isn't the view beautiful?" Luke asks.

Maria opens her eyes and embraces the beauty of the skies. Orange sunset fading to lavender with blue. The ocean stretching out far after the human eyesight. Mariana now understood that the city's name sake wasn't just because of the ports but of the beauty. Enamored by the beauty Mariana didn't even notice that the ride was over until she had to get off.

As Luke and Mariana walk they hear a person yelling "Lusitania has sunk, America has joined the war". Luke lets go of Mariana's hands and gets a newspaper.

Suddenly, a man behind them declared "America is the greatest country in the world, the war won't take longer than a few monthes."

Mariana not being able to hold back her words spat "If that was so the war would already be over fool, Britain is already involved and lets not forget so is Russia and Germany and if I'm not mistaken so has the Ottoman Empire."

The man taken back by her words and knowledge questioned "What is your name fair lady? Your insightfulness is truly amazing"

"Mariana Hamilton, what about you sir?" says Mariana.

"Eugene Callaway, Miss. Hamilton." replies the man.

A woman with curly blonde hair bumps into Mariana. As Mariana falls down Eugene catches her.

"Oh, my goodness, I apologize Miss" apologizes the blonde.

Mariana silently thanks Eugene and stands on her own getting off his arms.

"Thank you for saving my fiancée Mr. Callaway" thanks Luke.

Luke was directly looking Eugene, glaring at him like he was dirt on his new Oxford shoes. While Eugene was simply confused by the hostility shown by the brunette.

"Again my apologies for her" says Eugene.

Mariana raises her eyebrow confused. Noticing her confusion the girl says "I am Sarah Callaway, Miss, his sister." 

Mariana nods 

Sarah continues "I could never handle being married to this wisenheimer".

Eugene shakes his head and says "I am not a wisenheimer, You are the one always chastising me and besides did I not just apologize for you?".

Sarah determined to make her point refutes "I already apologized and are you not the one always making up excuses when I chastise you and most of the time they make sense. "

"Its called have reason dear younger sister, you should get it any time now" teases Eugene, "We will continue this at home". He quicks dismisses.

"Are you visiting family here Miss Hamilton and Sir?" questions Eugene.

"Luke Theodore, pleasure to make your acquaintance and we recently moved here and we thought we should see the town." Luke takes a pause "Lovely little town isn't it dear?"

Mariana nods. "That it is, love. Perhaps we should celebrate our wedding on a boat, or perhaps on the beach." says.

"That will be a very eloquent wedding Miss Hamilton" says Eugene.

"Thank you, Sir Callaway. We should be taking our leave now." says Luke.

"I hope we meet again Miss Callaway, perhaps you would like to show me more of this town" adds Mariana.

"My pleasure Miss Hamilton, for now I bid you goodbye" says Sarah, "and please, call me Sarah."

"Then call me, Mariana" she replies.

They both nod at each other, understanding that is was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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