Chapter 2 ~Republic City~

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Book One

Chapter 2
~Republic City~

The ship suddenly stops making Rei wake up. "We are finally here Fang." Rei walks out to the top of the ship and sees the ginormous city. "Damn those buildings are just as big as Ba Sing Se's walls."

Rei hears screaming and he look down at the dock to see a girl riding on a polar bear dog running away from the crew.

"That's one welcome to this crazy city." Rei gets off the boat and slings his bag over his shoulder."

"Alright first let's find somthing to eat Fang." Rei walk down the streets admiring the architecture, that's do different from the Earth kingdom. A car comes rolling down the street stopping at a shop. Rei walk away not paying any attention unti he hears what sounds like rocks. Rei looks back and sees the girl with the polar bear dog in front of three guys.

As Rei watches the arguement he sees the girl square up to them. He begins to walk over when he sees the main guy water bend at her but it gets sent right back into his face freezing his head. Rei begins to chuckle lightly as she kicks the guy knocking him out.

"Damn she's strong."

She kicks the ground making a rock pop out flinging the other guy into the air. "What the hell how is she..."

The other guy fire bends at her and she breaks through grabing him and throwing him into a shop. Rei walks up to her and sees the guy stand up and trys to attack her with water bending. Rei swiftly but easily chops the back of his neck Chi blocking him so he can't move.

"Oh what... How did you do that." The girl turns around looking at the man.

"Chi Blocking. So your the Avatar?" Rei looks at the watertribe girl with admiration.

"Yeah that's me." Suddenly a car speeds past both of them.

"LETS GO! LETS GO!" The firebending guy hops in as the Earth bending guy kicks up the the guy Rei Chi blocked into the car.

"You're not getting away." The Avatar earth bends the ground kicking the car high into the air.

"Nice job." The two walk over to the guys and they are knocked out.

"Thanks for the save back there." The Avatar turns around looking at Rei.

"No problem...Names Rei." He puts out my hand and she shakes it.

"Korra." As they shake hands a loud siren goes off.

"POLICE STAY WHERE YOU ARE." They look up into the sky and see a airship with guys coming down with grappling hooks.

"Cool. Metalbenders." They land in front of them with a stern look.

"I caught the bad guys for you, Officers." Korra says with a proud smirk on her face.

"Arrest them." The thugs stand up stumbling toward us and the metal benders tie them up with the grappling hooks.

"You're under arrest too." He points at them.

"What do you mean I'm under arrest? Those are the bad guys over there. They were smashing up a shop." Korra trys to explain.

"From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that." The officer points at the shop with a car in it.

"Wait Korra saved the shop owner from these thugs." Rei says trying to change the policemens mind.

"You're under arrest too." The metal benders fire their hooks at them and Rei dodges it but Korra gets caught in it.

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