chapter 1

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Satang and Ford walked up to the entrance of their school. "Last night was rough." Satang sighed. "I wish doing assignments was easier."
"Exactly, it's pretty difficult especially when we are doing after school activities."
"What do you do here?" Satang raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I do stuff for the community, not the school." Ford smiled.
"And we both work." Satang said.

Ford smiled as he saw Mark walking up to them. "Hey Mark, who's this?" Ford asked.
"This is my elementary school best friend, Winny." Mark introduced. "Unfortunately, he's a little shy."
Satang smiled, "Hello Winny," he started. "Are you excited for your first day?" Winny smiled and nodded.
"Don't worry, he'll get used to you and start talking more." Mark said.
Satang nodded, "I get it, don't worry."
"Well, I'm going to show Winny to his first class and y'all should probably get to yours too."


Aou sat at his desk waiting for Boom. He didn't feel complete without Boom around. "Hey, I got breakfast." Boom said, placing a donut on the table.
"That's a donut, that's not breakfast, Boom" Aou laughed.
"Well, it's good enough." Boom said as he took a bite from the donut.
Aou and Boom looked over to the class door as they saw Joong walk in. "Where's Dunk?" He asks as he puts his bag down.
"Was he not at your house?" Aou asked, "He was with us last night."
"I know, I thought maybe you've seen him," Joong said.

The door nearly slams open as another student walks in. He grabs the handle and closes it calmly. "I'm sorry," Dunk announces to the class. He sighed and walked over to Aou, Boom and Joong. "I went home, because I thought I'd have time to stop there before coming here."
"You're not too late, but before you sit, you may want to explain what the slamming was for." Boom suggested.
"I should." Dunk places his stuff down and explains to the teacher what the slamming was for.


At lunch Chimon sits down, while he waits for Perth in the line. It's routine for them. Chimon sits since he has a lunch box; Perth has to go through the line. Usually, Perth doesn't get anything and Chimon shares with him. Even though Perth never gets anything, Perth usually does it to make himself miss Chimon more.
Perth can't exactly explain it, it's just something he does.

"Hey Chimon," Perth says smiling.
"Nothing good today?" Chimon asked.
"No, is there ever though?" Perth replied.
"True." Chimon said, handing him some snacks from his lunch box.

Chimon makes sure to bring something he doesn't like so Perth can eat. It's been like this since they've met multiple years ago. Chimon's always taken care of Perth, he always will take care of Perth.


Ford and Mark walked up to their table after they parted from Winny and Satang temporarily. Ford sat down with a paper. "I saw you at an interview the other day, did you get the job?"
"Yeah, he called me this morning to let me know that I'm starting tonight." Perth replied, "What's the paper for?"
"Homework that I never completed. Wanna help?"
"Go through the line, and we can finish it." Chimon said, "But buy me something from the gas station and send it home with Perth."
"Alright." Ford got up and walked to Mark to get something from the lunch line.

Winny laughed. "Y'know, Mark, you have an adorable friend here." He said pointing at Satang, as Mark and Ford approached him.
"All of my friends are that way." Mark said.

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