Do you even know?

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Do you even know how much it hurts

Do you even know what you did to me

Do you have any idea at all?

Do you have any idea how it feels to be broken

Do you know how it feels when all you wanna do is to sleep and to never wake up again

Do you know how it feels to have swollen eyes all the time

Do you know how it feels to walk around with a heavy heart

Do you know how it feels to have a meltdown every minute

Do you know how it feels to stop celebrating festivals and even your own birthday

Do you know how it feels to be ugly to the point when mirrors become your enemies

Do you know how it feels to shiver and sweat like an idiot all the time

Do you know what you fucking did to me ?

Can you step into my shoes for once?

Do you know how much it really hurts?

Don't pretend to be so innocent now

You're a wolf in a sheeps clothing

You're a hater in a lover's disguise

You did everything you could to make my life hell

And maybe you succeeded

You broke me intentionally
You knew what you were doing

You picked up the knife and sliced me into thin pieces

You took my breath away just when I had learned to breathe

You made me shiver like a coward when I used to be the bravest

You made me loose interest in everything just when I was succeeding

You made me cry all the time
In sunshine,in thuder,in rain

You made me afraid to look in the mirror just when I started to think I was beautiful again

And yet you wanted to hurt me more?

Are you even human
How could you cross all the lines?
You made me hate humans

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