chapter 1

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YUJI ITADORI, Sendai - Japan

~~Mr. Itadori Yuji,
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Harmony Haven High for the upcoming academic year. Your exceptional track record have truly stood out during the admissions process .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment. We are confident that your time at Harmony Haven High will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Warm regards,
Masamichi Yaga,
Principal ,
Harmony Haven High~~

A full scholarship to Harmony Havens is undeniably appealing, but unfortunately, I can't accept it. Ever since my grandfather was hospitalized, I've felt a compelling urge to be by his side. He's the man who, single-handedly, raised me-an individual I've taken for granted all these years. Now that I can sense him slipping away from me, bit by bit. I want to attend a nearby high school so I can spend more time with him.

As I pushed open the door, the bells chimed making the florist lady sit upright. GREEN-SHADE, a nearby local florist shop, filled with colors and burst of fragrance, showcased neatly arranged bouquets, hanging greenery, scattered petals, beds of roses, and dramatic hydrangeas-all bathed in natural light from the large window. "May i help you?" the elderly woman offered with a firm tone. "Sure, I'm looking to pick up something for my grandfather who's currently in the hospital," I replied. "Then i suggest Orchids and hydrangeas," she said, cleaning her glasses, "they signify a fast recovery". "Then I'll get those," I confirmed. She expertly arranged the flowers in a pastry-like paper, adding a small note and a delicate bow.

 She expertly arranged the flowers in a pastry-like paper, adding a small note and a delicate bow

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"I told you not to come," he barked as soon as he saw me. I rolled my eyes. "Good afternoon to you too." I said placing the flowers near the window. he snarled again, "Don't be buying flowers all the time." I shrugged "Oh, chill out."
"Tsk, lax upbringing," he muttered as he rolled to the other side of bed, as if he isn't the one who raised me.
"I have some final words for you," he said slowly. "Grandpa, could you try to stop acting all cool before you die," I retorted.
"Don't end up like me kid,". yes, those were his last words.
(A week later)

I plop down in the coach's room, surrounded by old trophies and team photos. The dim lights give a cozy feel, and the place smells like well-worn leather.

"I'm sorry about your grandfather, kid," Coach said. I just nodded.

"So, Havens, huh? They already have some great track stars, and I heard Mahito is currently injured. That could be why they are so invested in recruiting new talents. But I have to tell you, Havens would be nothing like us." I gave him a questioning look.

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