The Accident pt2

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Outside the Thai Restaurant | 12:02 AM

"Lena!" Kara shouted as her eyes began to water, Lena looked up at her with a pain and shocked look. She fell to the ground, Kara was still shielding Lena from the bullets that were still flying. After a few moments, the bullets stopped and Kara dropped to her knees as her tears started falling, "Baby, stay with me," Kara said as she put Lena's head on her lap and put pressure on her wound, "Kara...You-you have to get me to a hospital or I w-won't make it. I've l..lost too much blood alre-ady" Lena choked out as blood started coming out if her mouth. Kara nodded.

She picked Lena up and and carried her out of the restaurant. Once they were far enough away, Kara took Lena to the nearest hospital, which happens to be the one she owned.

"Somebody help, Ms. Luthor's been shot!" She yelled as she entered the hospital. Surgeons began rushing over with a stretcher. Kara gently but quickly sat her down on it while panicking. Nurses tried to calm her down but she couldn't. She was scared and angry. She vowed to protect Lena at their wedding, and she felt as if she had broken said vow. Kara went to a bathroom for not only her safety,  but theirs too. She knew her powers, mainly her heat vision, would act up when she couldn't control her emotions. She quickly took her glasses up and brought her hands to her face, she inaudibly screamed out in pain as she felt the heat burn her hands. After a minute it stopped. She was breathing rapidly and heavily.

After splashing water on her face and putting her glasses back on, she left the bathroom and sat in the waiting room.

After what felt like hours of waiting, the nurses had finally come out, "Who's the one who brought, Ms. Luthor in?" One nurse asked and Kara stood up, "I did, is she going to be okay?" She asked the nurse. "Yes, she will, we had to give her a blood transfusion and stitches. She'll be okay." The nurse replied and Kara nodded, "Can I see her?" Kara asked "I'm sorry, only family is allowed until she wakes up," Kara sighed and left her left hand up. A silver wedding band, that matched Lena's was on her hand. The nurse gasped, "You'll need to sign an NDA," Kara said and the nurse nodded.

She lead Kara to Lena's room. Her heart broke at the sight. Her wife was being pumped with saline to keep her hydrated, her skin was looking more paler than usual, her fave kept a neutral expression.

Kara walked toward her and sat in the chair as tears started flowing down her face. Kara hoped the injuries were better than they looked. She pushed her glasses down a bit and used her X-ray vision and watched Lena's body, scanning for more injuries. She sighed in relief as she saw none. She then pushed her glasses up and waited for Lena to wake up.

Luthor Family Hospital | 3:23 AM

Lena woke up with a groan, she slowly opened her eyes as her senses began coming back to her. She smelt a lot of sterlization. Her memories came flooding her mind as though a storm. She looked over and saw Kara asleep, in the chair.

"Kara," she said softly but the blonde didn't budge, "Kara!" She said a little louder and the woman jumped up, "Lena! You're awake!" Kara said as she looked at her wife with a smile. "You were asleep," Lena replied with a dopey grin. The saline that was being pumped in her body was making it hard for her to move.

Kara smiled sheepishly and stretched, "I was protecting you," she shrugged and Lena chuckled, "By sleeping?" The brunette asked as she raised a brow, "Well, you weren't waking up, and I got very tired," Kara said as she kissed her wifes cheek, "My protector," Lena spoke sarcastically.

Kara gasped, "You were the one out for 3 hours!" She exclaimed and Lena chuckled once more. "How are you feeling?" Kara asked and Lena chuckled before groaning in pain, "Like I've been shot," Lena laughed. "Don't laugh. You're gonna rip your stitches," Kara said as she glared at the woman.

"Soooo, when can I leave?" She asked and Kara shrugged, "Probably in 2 days, and then you'll need to be on bed rest for a week or 2," Kara said and Lena groaned, "The venture launch is in 2 weeks," Lena gasped, "I'm sure you'll be okay, if you miss it," Kara replied, "I don't wanna miss it though," Lena pouted. Kara rolled her eyes and kissed the pout on Lena's face away, causing her to chuckle.

When she pulled away she had noticed that the woman had fell asleep. She sighed and zoomed in on her heartbeat as she sat down back in the chair.

She did not like how this night went. They were supposed to have a relaxing night, fillied with lots of non-relaxing things. Of course, when Lena felt better, she'd make up for it. Bur for now, she only wanted for her fire to feel and be better.


2 days had passed, and as guessed, Lena was being discharged today. Kara had flew to their home and got Lena clothes to change into. Lena couldn't thank her enough, that ahe had brought her comfortable clothes and not a pantsuit.

Kara had also brought the NDA and had the nurse sign it. The usual, 'Can't say anything about this or else you'll be prosecuted' speech was given by Lena. Kara apologised for her wifes behavior which has earned her a smile from the woman, and a glare from her wife.

Kara always thought that a jealous Lena would be the death of her. She loved the glare that Lena gave and the 'punishment', which was more of a reward, that came with it.

Lena had of course been put in bed rest. Kara was happy to know thst her wife was hurting herself in any way with moving. She fed her wife, helped her bathe, helped her get dressed for her day in bed. Lena didn't like it one bit though. She felt as if she was being treated as a baby. And Luthors, they don't like babies. Kara says, it's a good thing Lena's only half a Luthor.

Kara of course had returned to her super duties, ignoring all questions from press about where she has been in the pass two days.

A few of which she did answer with, "I was on a leave of absence for the 2 days. I had personal business to atend too," which gotnher more questions.

Other than that things were great. Lena was happy to know she was able to leave bed rest at the end of the week. And thats exactly what she did. She was happy. Kara was happy.

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