The Fair

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We were all sitting in the car. The two guys up front, and Emerson, Luna, and I in the back seat. I heard a shift in the seat and looked up from the conversation the girls and I were having about what we wanted to do at the fair. Emmett was turned around in his seat look at us three girls with a goofy grin on his face. I noticed how the dim interior lights of the car highlighted the angles of his face. In all honesty I could tell why Lunette had a crush on him. He was gorgeous!

I was broke out of my thoughts when he spoke up and said

"Who wants to hit of the fortune teller stand tonight?"

I just shrugged not minding if we did or not, whereas Lunette was jumping up and down in her seat.

"Yes. Yes. Yes! Please girls let's do it. It'll be my first time!" she all but squealed.

Emerson just giggled and nodded her head.

When we pulled up to the fair, I could tell it was in full swing. People were everywhere! By the time we made it through the entrance gate and ticket lines, we had about 4 hours till the fair closed. We then went to our first stop. The roller coasters.

*3 hours later*

Our group sat at one of the small tables on the outside of the food court area. I was completely and utterly exhausted by this point from laughing and just having fun. I think I was the only one though because Kyden, Emmett, Luna, and Emerson were all buzzing with energy. The fair was clearing out so Kyden gave The idea of hitting up the Fortune teller now because of the lack of line.

Kyden and Emmett led the way to the fortune seller's tent and when we got there the place looked deserted. We all walked through the beaded curtain. As I felt the clear bead rub softly against my skin I felt a humming energy. It made me jump at first but was kind of smoothing.
I tried to notice if anyone else felt the energy but their faces were bland.

I turned around to start walking but screamed when I notice a woman was in front of me. She looked to be around 22 years old and was pretty. I then looked at her attire. She was dressed in what you would expect a fortune teller to wear. Which was the head scarf, with the dress and wrapped belt. She even had a Crystal ball in her hand.

She smiled kindly at me and just turned around and walked away. I stood there in confusion staring at her retreating figure.
I quickly began to follow the woman to the table where my friends and brother sat.

We started out by the woman introducing herself as Adelphi and her asking us all of our Names and Birthdays.

Kyden Started out with his which is July 19th, and we continued around the table. Emmett's is September 25th, Luna's is February 26th, Emerson's is May 4th, and mine was September 13th.

As we were talking, Adelphi was writing down the information, once finished she looked up at us and preceded to tell us what our zodiac signs were and rearranged our seating. It turns out that Kyden was a Leo, Emmett was a Libra, Luna is a Pisces, Emerson is a Taurus, and I was a Virgo. When she had us move seats we were confused because she had us sit separately at certain points around the large circular table. I noticed that on the table there was a star of silver and at each point of the star was a symbol that looked like an element. She had us sit a separate points of the star. . Adelphi and I sat at the top point of the star, where a symbol of what looked like smoke was. Luna sat at the western side of the star on the top point where the symbol of a water drop was. Kyden sat at the bottom western point of the star with a flame symbol. Emmett sat in the next seat, which was at the bottom eastern point of the star with a swirl. Finally Emerson sat at the top point on the eastern side with what looked to be stone. After being seated, we all looked to Adelphi in confusion. She then explained that each zodiac sign had an element that was associated with it, and for the service we were seeking, no matter what it was, we had to be seated correctly at the table. She pointed at eat symbol in front of us and told us what each meant. The smoke means spirit, the water drop means water, the flame means fire, the swirl means air, and the stone means earth. My friends and I just shot a quick glance at each other and just shrugged.

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