Caution and the wind

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"Louis...I know Louis's was a surprise it's not like that..." I whispered into my the phone nervously. I called Louis and told him about Coachella. He was completely pissed. My hands were shaking and I was on the brink of tears. I hate being yelled at, it makes me feel like I'm about to fall apart.. like I'm a big mistake.

"I knew letting you go over there was a big mistake" He spat angrily.

Why did I call? Why did I have to open my big mouth and tell him? Because I'm stupid. Because I'm a good little girlfriend and I'll die if guilt if I don't tell him anything and everything. I could have gone to Coachella and he would have never been the wiser but No! I had to be miss goody two-shoes and run to Louis with this.

I've wanted to go to Coachella since the beginning of forever... last year it was all I could think of, all my posts on tumblr where about the event and all the celebs who were there and everything. Chelsea always rolled her eyes when I talked about it but like the best friend she is, she's been plotting ever since I started chattering on about it. She's always been the best at giving presents and stuff. But all that doesn't even matter right now.

It's 3 am and I'm curled up in Chelsea's bathtub with my legs pressed up to my chest and my phone pressed hot against my now sweating ear. I had to wait for Chel to fall asleep because I didn't want her to worry when she saw the way he got angry. We stayed up all night watching old nickelodeon shows like Hay Arnold and Cat Dog but I could barely focus because I was dreading this right here, my head resting on my knees and my heart sinking lower in my chest with ever whip of the lash that is Louis's tongue..

"You know what...I'm coming to get you" he growled.

"No!" I yelled.

Crap Chelsea! I thought.

I leaned out of the tub and peeked out the slightly cracked door. She was sound asleep, mouth open and gently snorting with one arm hung over the side of the bed. I smiled a little.

"Look Louis..I've been wanting to go for a long time and you know it. I'm going with Chelsea and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I squeezed my eyes shut and cringed, preparing for his angry screams against my bold behavior.

But to my surprise he sighed a heavy sigh.

" safe ok? I don't want you doing anything...crazy" I sat there quietly for a second just in shock.

"Hello?" He asked sounding a bit irritated.

"W-what" I asked stupidly

"Your right, you haven't stopped talking about Co- whatever the fuck it is so I'll allow you to go this time" I felt relief that he was letting me go than disgust with myself for letting him have so much power over me that he could make or brake something like this...

I smiled and nodded

"T-thanks Louis" could I sound anymore like a mouse?

"Be good kitty" he said sweetly
"I don't want any..trouble" he added darkly.

I shuttered and my heart pinged with pain as I remembered how he grabbed me that night... I cried so much...

"Bye kitty.." He added in his sweet voice again. I just hung up without saying a word. I didn't care if he was upset with it or not.


Me and Chel woke up late the next day, partly because we stayed up till 3 watching tv, but mostly because there were no adults to rip the blinds open and forcefully wake us up before we were ready.

I cracked my left eye open and looked at the time on my iPhone..

1:30 pm

Gross, it's early. I rolled over hoping sleep would take me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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