The Accident pt1

535 19 13

National City, 10:42 PM

Kara flew around National City cleaning up the dirty work while on patrol. As soon as she felt as if everything was alright, she flew to L-Corp. Her wife's company. Within seconds, she touched the balcony gracefully.

"Kara!" Her wife said in surprise as she walked over and opened the balcony door. Kara smiled and hugged her wife before pulling her in for a much needed kiss.

"I've missed you," Kara said against Lena's lips, and Lena chuckled, "I miss you too, darling," Lena said as she pulled Kara into her office and closed the balcony door.

They walked over to the couch, where Lena sat down and Kara sat next to her but ended up putting her head on Lena's lap.

Lena chuckled once more and began massaging Kara's scalp.

"How was your day, Love?" Lena asked Kara. In response, she got a moan and groan from the Alien.

"It was hell! Cat had me go get coffee for her all day! And James keeps hitting on me and every woman he sees! And Alex.. Alex is just Alex.. I stopped several armed robberies in the span of 4 minites, Lena. 4 minutes." Kara said as she covered her face with her hands. Lena smiled at her wife and bit her lip to keep in a laugh, but Kara knew her wife. She could hear the way Lena's heart skipped a bit before she chuckled, which is what was happening now.

Lena sat up off her wifes lap, immediately missing the comfort.

"It's not funny, Ms. Luthor!" Kara said using her wifes maiden name, causing her to gasp.

"It'd Luthor-Danvers, missy!" Lena exclaimed. Kara chuckled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Lena giggled amd blushed. Even after 3 years of being married (Secretly of course), Lena still felt like the same college school girl she had been when theh first met.

"How was your day?" Kara asked as she laid her head back on the Raven-haired girls lap.

Lena sighed, "The same as everyday. Dealing with old, ugly, misogynistic, homophobic, rich white men, who know shit abiut science and doesn't think I'm fit to run a multibillionaire company." She shrugged, Kara looked at her wife sympathetically, "I don't see how you do it," Kara told her wife who looked at her with a raised brow. Lena knew what it did to Kara, and chuckled when the blonde squeezed her eyes shut.

"Do what?" Lena said quietly as she began massaging the Aliens hair, "Deal with those cynical bastards," Kara curses and Lena laughs, "Well, darling, it's nothing I haven't handled before," Lena said as if that helped her case, "Well, you shouldn't have had to handle them... Men suck.." Kara said as her voice lowered at the end of the sentence.

Lena kissed her wifes temple before patting her shoulder, the blonde sat up and let her wife get up. Lena walked to the rack and grabbed her coat and purse, Kara stood as she shut the lights off in the office. Kara watched her wife and followed her to the balcony.

Everyone had gone home around 8:00 O'clock and Lena being Lena, the workaholic she is, decided to stay.

Kara made sure the balcony door was locked. Before taking her wife in her arms, bridal style, just like the day they were married. They were 18 and 19 when they were married. Kara remeber the day Lena proposed to her, very clearly. It was like it was yesterday.


'Lena breathe' she told herself. Today was the day. The day that she was gonna propose to her girlfriend of 2 years. They had met when they were 15 and 16, they started dated when they were 16 and 17, and here they are now, 17 and 18, possibly almost engaged. course no one knew they were dating but they didn't care. As long as they had each other, they'd be alright.

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